Yesterday evening I looked up the hill and got this view of a neighbor's sugar maple competing with the glow of the setting sun. I need to walk up the street and take a "real" photo of this tree!

I see I also captured another neighbor's black cat - she was pouncing and watching the ground so trying to catch some insect or maybe a vole under the ground...
I miss those vibrant fall colors. Great catch of the kitty, too.
Great shot especially with the kitty in the foreground! Very fall with the surprise of the light and the brilliance of the color. I like the tree just like this, peeking out from the next block over the darkness fallen on this yard. It's how the autumn day goes down in a neighborhood!
I thought the house was on fire! WOW!! What glorious color!! Sure do miss those lovely maples.
Wonderful color and it does look like it is on fire. We have very little color change here in North Florida but I really enjoy seeing the beautiful photos.
Amazing colour, it looks on fire.
Thanks so much, Pam, Suzanne, Chris, Vicki, and Jeannette. This year the fall colors have been so gorgeous, I hope I can recall the feeling of seeing trees like this lit by the sun when winter is upon us and it's cold and dry and white and cold...and cold! haha
It really looks like the house is on fire, amyzing colours : great shot!
Thanks so much, HeJa, for stopping by and for commenting. I enjoyed viewing your drawings on your blog!
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