But you know what, it's still a good painting. I had a member at the last watercolor meeting tell me she walked into the room, looked around and immediately went to my painting to see more. If it has that draw from across the room, I think I did a pretty good job. I don't usually have the ego to say that, but sometimes you have to give yourself a pep talk. Since I didn't get a prize (no medal or ribbon to bring home and hang on the frame), and it didn't sell (in spite of the ridiculously low price), I'll just say I still like it and it will be quite happy hanging in the livingroom.
And here is the latest stage in the Dancing Petals I'm still working on. I'm not too crazy about the color right now so maybe will work some cobalt blue glazes here and there to tone it down.
No special plans for us this Thanksgiving. I may do our own little meal on Thursday, but it will be just another day, other than that. Hope you all enjoy your travels, your family, and your good food...and return to your homes safe and sound and happy.
Your painting is an excellent painting and maybe it has other shows to enter. Your WIP is looking good.
I think both paintings are wonderful.
Its a beautiful painting. There will be other exhibits and other buyers.
Sometimes I find that if I price things too low they don't sell, but when I up the price they do. All about exclusivity sometimes. :)
Oh, and I forgot to say that Dancing Petals is looking great, too!
Hi Rhonda, I'm glad it didn't sell for the ridiculously low price you mistakenly put it at! It's slated for much better things and places! It's slated for more shows, I'd say. It looks beautiful there - gorgeous size, too. It's not just a good painting - it's a great painting!
Cheapskate patrons and hungover judges! Seriously, it's a striking painting, Rhonda, and I'm sure it has a bright future either on you wall or on someone else's.
Jeanette's right about pricing - people sometimes doubt their own taste when it's too cheap! It's a really lovely painting, enjoy it in your living room (and Happy Thanksgiving!)
We all know the feeling but when its a good piece of work we know that too. Look forward to seeing how the new glazes affect this latest work.
Thanks so much for the extra support, Vicki, Cathy, Deb, Jeannette, Brent, Joan and Cathy :) I do like this painting and it is perfectly happy on my wall so I can view it whenever I want :) There was only 1 painting sold out of the 65 that were in the show so I don't feel too bad about that - in fact, at the price I put on it, I'm glad it didn't sell :)
You know? it'll look great in your wall! and next time you send it to a show don't forget to put a higher price on it! It does look gorgeous and it's a winner!
Everytime I come here there's a ton of posts, sorry i can't keep up Rhonda. I have little time anymore.
OK, I really really like this one, and when I get out there we're going to take it out of the frame and do that white spatter it's begging for. Put it in another show, you'll get that award. Guaranteed!
Thanks, Teresa :)
Nick, I know you are one busy man and only going to get more busy as your artwork grows and your reputation takes you to far-away places. Don't forget us when you fly!!!
Nick, splatter white? But...but...it's so pristine! ha ha Can you tell I am attached to this painting? How about I do a large one (large for me means 1/2 sheet) and then we can go wild with it when you get here!!?!
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