Well, since I'm not happy with this painting as it stands, it doesn't hurt to go back and try to work out that background shape and color and value and...
So I spritzed the color off with a harsh spray of clean water and let the color run off the page away from the flower. Dabbed a bit to lift the loosened color, too. And ended up with this.
And the question is: Now what?
1. Look closely at the shapes that are still in that area of the background and determine which should be left pale and which should be darker.
2. Test the darks with a piece of acetate over the painting and paint on that before touching more pigment to paper
3. Take a break from this for a few hours before doing anything so I return with fresh eyes.
4. Give up? :)
In the meantime I've gone back to this painting - remember it? Started several weeks ago and left sitting due to lack of enthusiasm and the batik workshop and the printmaking day and (maybe it was due to lack of time not enthusiasm!). So far I've left the miskit/liquid frisket on and painted in the darks but not really continuing with the "Great White Shape" technique now...off on my own with this one.
(The darks are drying right now so I'll share them later.)