Sunday, March 29, 2009
Singing the Blues...
It was called Singing the Blues and was sung then by Guy Mitchell (words and music by Melvin Endsley).
"Well, I never felt more like singing the blues
'cause I never thought
that I'd ever lose
your love, dear.
Why'd you do me this way?"
Sir Paul McCartney brought it out on an unplugged special - take a listen:
It's actually a fun song to sing - not sad at all!
Don't know why, but it came to mind, and I was humming this while painting so I'm calling this painting Singing the Blues. On 1/4 sheet Fabriano Aristico coldpress 140#
Saturday, March 28, 2009
EARTH HOUR - March 28, 8:30 pm

On Saturday, March 28, 2009, at 8:30 pm, I am taking part in Earth Hour - a global event in which millions of people will turn out their lights to make a statement of concern about our planet and climate change.
Sponsored by World Wildlife Fund, Earth Hour got started just two years ago and is now the largest event of its kind in the world. Last year, more than 50 million participated and the lights went out at the Empire State Building, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Sydney Opera House and the Coliseum in Rome, just to name a few. Even Google's homepage went black for the day!
This year, Earth Hour will be even bigger - already 250 cities in 74 countries have agreed to take part including Atlanta, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami and Nashville with more signing up every day. Around the world cities like Moscow, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Shanghai and Mexico City will turn out their lights. But Earth Hour isn't just for big cities -anyone can participate.
To get a better sense of the event, check out this video at
Join me for this amazing event. To sign up, visit where you'll learn more including ways you can spread the word about Earth Hour, plus creative things to do when the lights go out in case you need inspiration!
Wherever you are, turn out those lights at 8:30 pm your local time!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Passion for Painting - Three More Award Winners + ONE
1. Joan Sandford-Cook ( - her work is lovely, whether it is in watercolor or oils; whether she is depicting her own garden flowers in her garden sketchbook, painting her village scenery, or just sharing some small things she's working on and showing how she has mastered yupo.
2. Nava Attia-Benoit ( - her work ranges from wonderful, loose portraits in gorgeous colors to life drawing workups and she has a good sense of color and composition that shows in everything she does.
3. James and Ona K ( over at Emotive Expressions share a printmaking (giclee) business and a painting blog with Ona's watercolors light and imaginative and thrilling to see. You have to pop over and read Operation Lemonade (what would happen if oranges in still life setups had feelings?!)
And for that extra person who deserves this Passion for Painting award - definitely, absolutely, without a question:
4. Margaret Storer-Roche ( Now why is Margaret Ann so special? Well, it's not just her artwork, which is divine and makes me envious and also happy whenever I see it - it's the fact that this woman will sketch while hooked up to electrodes for a stress test!!! No kidding! You have to pop over and see her latest sketch, Wired :) Love ya, Margaret Ann, love your artistic ability, your creativity and your strong spirit!
So, take a bow fellow artists and accept your award here:

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Grace - Finished; and Other Things
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A Passion for Painting - Pass it On

I am always surprised and honored when I get one of these online awards. I do think I either have a passion for painting or an obsession with it - if I'm not painting, I feel I should be painting - even when I'm not inspired! And since this one is really true, I will pass it on and give you a list of 7 passionate things in my life:
1. My husband
2. Painting
3. My family
4. The sight of spring flowers bursting out of the ground after a nice gentle rainy day
5. Color color and more color, especially Cobalt Blue/Royal Blue/French Ultramarine Blue
6. A walk in a new landscape
7. My friends who are always there for me - online, offline, in person or by email :)
And now to choose 7 artists to pass this on to...which I will do after I make a list...
Thanks, Ann!
And I'm going to change the rules a bit. I'm going to list 2 artists you already know from seeing them on my blogroll - and you know they are passionate about painting and art in all its forms. Plus, I'm going to give you a bonus of one new artist/blogger I've discovered recently that is definitely passion about painting and art and that I think you should discover, also. So here is the first set:
1. Laura's Watercolors - Her work is soft, romantic, light, airy, and so much what watercolor is when it's pure and light.
2. Chris Beck and her blog, "I'm Painting as Fast as I Can" - Chris has become an online friend just since discovering her marvelous artwork. Now Chris takes watercolor to the extreme - intense colors, strong, bold and in your face in all the very best ways!
3. Gwen Buchanan from Desideratum - I just found Gwen and her work, everything from photos to sketches to watercolors to jewelry, Gwen has a passion for all art and I love her blog so I'll be returning again to catch up and put her on my blogroll in the future. You should check out her blog, too! Plus she lives in Canada near the Bay of Fundy - how cool is that?
So ladies, put on your best party dresses, hats and gloves, and accept your awards for your passion!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Check out his latest works - his painting, Shattered, just makes me green with envy and makes me want to stand in front of it with my nose pressed closely to it and look at every little detail! I've heard that Mike's workshops really put you through your artistic paces. Maybe I need that now. Will have to check when he's in my area - or close. I think he has begun teaching at the Kanuga spring workshops but it's too late for this spring as it begun today.

So the only thing I have to share today is the colored rounds I made for the colorfulwatercolor group to show how Carol Carter (from the workshop I took) talked about shaping things using just color. If you like to watch paint explode and blend, you would enjoy doing these rounds using just your 3 primary colors and making one primary your central/center color with the other two around it. It takes some effort to keep the colors clean and that's what you want - no muddy blending all over :) You can tell from the black and white version (I just unsaturated the photo), that you really are shaping the rounds using just color.

And you can have fun painting just rounds and creating a real painting out of them - if you want to do that :)

Friday, March 20, 2009
First Day of Spring
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Once in a Blue Moo
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Moley Doodle Thank You

For my birthday I got:
A long-sleeved tee that says I'm cuckoo for cocoa puffs (fun!),
a book by one of my favorite authors, Anita Shreve (Jodi Picoult is my other absolute favorite),
a tiny little pin of a topiary with 3 oranges amidst the foliage, a cd of Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson singing Rattlin' Bones,
a Starbucks gift card with enough cash on it to keep me caffeinated for the year! Wooo-hooo!!!
Can't wait to wear my new tee - I don't know how Jenny does it but she picks out something for me I'd never pick myself and yet it soon becomes one of my favorite things! She used to buy me great earrings and they'd become my faves and then I'd lose one :( and I hated that! So I asked her to stop buying me earrings - I was getting superstitious about it but probably I was just more likely to lose them because I wore them all the time, not just once in a while.
After setting a date to get together (we celebrate 4 birthdays together usually in February), the kids got sick and we postponed and changed the time as well as the date. On Sunday, Jenny had to call and say, "Um...Rhonda? You are missing your birthday!" I'd forgotten the time change and was going in the evening, not the afternoon - or maybe it was a senior moment?
Anyway, thanks to Chris, Jenny, Donal, Moe, Jocelyn, Alaina and Devlin for the great gifts! And thanks to Jenny and Chris for the lasagna and to Ginny for the cake and to AA & John and Fritz & Ginny & Kate for the cards :) Plus it was a beautiful sunny day. Couldn't ask for more...
And today is just too glorious a day to be inside. Took a nice 1 1/2 mile walk throughout the neighborhood, checking out what was coming up in the yards and blooming on the trees; then actually did some work in the front yard in the mess that is supposed to be my flower garden but it actually just a flat space for holding lots of ornaments (I decided since I can't grow anything there, I'll just fill it up with tiles and gazing balls and other odds and ends - I could do like one painting friend who used to come to class who painted flowers and put them in her flower boxes instead of the real things).
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
More Work on the "hand study"

Enjoyed a very quiet day painting and reading and catching up on some taped shows while getting some exercise on the HealthRider.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all the Irish or wanna-be-Irish today :) I heard the most beautiful rendition of Danny Boy by Diana Krall on our NKU station today - it was so moving and the first time I'd actually heard the whole song.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Congratulations to Jerry (aka My Sweetie)
1) Nature Photographer of the Year
2) Pictorial Photographer of the Year
3) Overall Photographer of the Year!!!
He received very nice plaques for all of these and also came home with a multi-colored assortment of ribbons (for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th places in other categories).

Here is a sampling of the competition-winning photos that got him the top awards.

Yep - the giraffes!
(I can show this one because it obviously has the hand-of-man in the photo that can't be cropped or changed but it's one cute photo!) Look at that tongue! ha ha
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Magazine Stuff
I would like to take a workshop from Pat Weaver someday - love her strong colors and values in all her paintings.
This man captures the feeling of fading species and the fragility of certain species with a humorous touch (if that is possible, he does it).
Love her portraits...
And this man's art blows me away! Such detail, such intricacy, such beauty, so many glazes!!! I could never have the patience for this but I love the look.
We have a busy weekend planned out with lots of socializing (with which I am not always that comfortable). I may have something to share by Monday...or not. I've decided to stop putting pressure on myself to put something on here every day or so. No one but the devoted Daily Painters seem to be this regular with their posts, so why should I? More time painting and/or drawing and less time on the computer should be a good thing.
Another thing, I may stop showing everything. If it doesn't work, why show it? I've found that most artists show their good stuff, their gallery stuff, their archived stuff that shines, not their bad paintings, their failures, their attempts that didn't quite hit the mark. So if I don't like it, I may not show it - that way you'll begin to think I am much better than I am! ha ha
Seriously, I just need a small break - consider it a spring break! I know all your bloggers out there understand :)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Redoing a Bad Painting
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Why Do We Paint?
"The most important thing is to find out what is the most important thing."
Sometimes you have so many ideas for paintings, you cannot possibly paint them all. At other times, you need to step back and decide what brings you joy. If you painted every day (or every week) and never showed your paintings to anyone, would you still have the same joy in painting? Would it take you in a different direction? Would you stop painting? Is the sharing one of the biggest aspects of the art? Not the selling, but the sharing - on blogs, websites, emails, classes.
Find out what is the most important thing, says Master Suzuki.
But then, the great painter, Alice Neel says:
"You should keep on painting no matter how difficult it is,because this is all part of experience, and the more experienceyou have, the better it is...unless it kills you, and then you know you have gone too far."
Ms. Neel seems to be saying it's all about the journey, not the destination. The journey won't always be spring flowers and gentle rains to wash away the dirt. It could be difficult, dangerous and filled with stress. Do you keep on going? Or do you sit down in the middle of the path and cry like a little girl? Maybe a good cry is just what you need!
Each day in this journey differs. Up, down, happy, sad, complicated, simple, easy, hard...pushing through may mean the difference between doodling and true art from a human heart and mind.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
On the Vine

There were some very clever artists in class today who ended up with some great and some very fun (a lady in a big bathtub with bubbles all around and several pairs of pretty feet in the foam at the edge of the ocean) paintings created today!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Finished Paintings, I Think
Oriental Brush Painting by Jean Vance
I'm going to be painting today - perhaps finishing up some paintings that weren't quite completed last week.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Blowing Bubbles

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Finished? In Class

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Busy Busy Bee

Monday, March 2, 2009
Am I Blue? - almost there

Should the white center (at the top of the little bud there) stay pure white or should I give it a touch of yellow? It definitely takes your eye right there but does it make it stay there and not move around the petals? Guess I'll take it to class tomorrow and ask them, too. Opinions appreciated!
I've begun another one in warmer colors to use for the color group - setting a mood in cools and warms :)
I sure do love cool colors - I can tell by how much time I take with them, how I watch them spread and blend - with the warms, I just slap them on and move along! ha ha
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Let's Run Away to the Circus!