I worked on both of these yesterday afternoon. Here's where they stand.
The Heart Journey needs some of that dark/blue/greyed color run throughout it to lead the eye around; and maybe some of those reds needs toned down a bit...will think on this and let it sit and rest tonight. Heart Journey is on 300# Arches watercolor paper and it's heavy so it curves as I'm putting pigment and water on it. I'll have to put it under some books to straighten it at the end.
The Heart Journey needs some of that dark/blue/greyed color run throughout it to lead the eye around; and maybe some of those reds needs toned down a bit...will think on this and let it sit and rest tonight. Heart Journey is on 300# Arches watercolor paper and it's heavy so it curves as I'm putting pigment and water on it. I'll have to put it under some books to straighten it at the end.

And the Dancing Petals = glazing some cobalt blue to tone down some of the "too pretty" blues of the petals. There is more violet there than shows no matter what I set my white balance on in the camera so I've adjusted it a bit in my photo program to get it closer to reality. A bit more to do...a bit more darks to run through and around. And it will be done.

Here's a close-up of one of the petals to show I need to work on the centers more to give them some definition.

You are so seeing what to do. Awesome!
Another beautiful close up flower.
As to comments on your last post - there were several people interested in your painting! Never give up - perhaps they will decide to contact you later on. And I agree with the others - enter this in some more shows!
Thanks, Sandy, for stopping by and commenting :) Are you planning a big Thanksgiving feast??
Deb, thanks so much. I know what you mean - one never knows what will come of showing work (it's better than hiding it away, right?).
I love how the hearts are starting to pop out now and can't wait to see where you put those greys to lead the eye, you're making me see hearts everywhere now Rhonda!
The Hearts are looking real good nice allegory painting of what you have been going thru with your Health/Heart problems/condition.
I'm seeing the Hearts fighting to be free of the restrictions placed upon them I would suggest maybe a couple shadow effects caused by the masking fluid and have the shadows mimic the shapes of the masking fluid placed on the prominent Red heart on the right side of the painting just a thought but just follow your Heart it is leading you nicely:0)!
As to the other painting looking forward to see how that ends up.
Your work is growing by leaps and bounds! I so admire your dedication to the figure drawing. I am admittedly a big ole scairdy cat in that regard.
We are staying home Thanksgiving, quite celebration with my step daughter and her family. Happy Happy to you guys :-)
Thank you so much, Teresa, Paul and Mary Beth :) I appreciate you stopping by and commenting. Paul, I'll look at that and ponder it a while. I worked on it more before you posted so may be too late...or not. I'm thinking about some collage pieces now...and some gesso...and...who knows??
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