Sunday, July 21, 2024


 Our local Campbell County Extention Center has a wonderful garden kept current and blooming by volunteers and workers from the University of Kentucky group of gardeners.  There is usually something interesting to photograph and paint there.  But, lately, it’s been so hot and sticky, we haven’t gone out there much…and when we do, there is nothing much blooming to inspire.  So I chose to photograph some of the garden statues scattered around.  All are small and concrete but I wanted them to have a touch of color so using one single color on each statue…

Thursday, July 11, 2024


 Had a scrap piece of paper - Fluid watercolor paper 140# cold press.  Just put some color on without drawing and then had to go back in with white gouache to bring out the lights.  Oh, well, you win some, you lose some.

Monday, July 8, 2024


 This year, the iris at the Extention Center here in our area did not bloom much at all - pretty lax effort due to heat, drought, whatever.  So only a few worth taking photos of and painting.

This one gave me fits so this is actually the second version - first version was awful due to bad drawing to start it.