Wanted to share with all you Frida-philes the new book I got.
This large, hardback book uses photos from the Museo Frida Kahlo in Mexico City. When Frida died, Diego Rivera had her dressing room and bedroom closed off - for 50 years. When the opened the rooms, they discovered treasures of dresses, skirts, blouses, ribbons, etc. and made a book out of it.
What I find interesting is you can see the outfits Frida wears in many of her self-portraits or her photographs. And you get a bit of history of the Mexican women who wore those outfits. If you're a Frida-phile, you'll enjoy perusing this and reading a bit about the clothing. Frida was only 5'2" tall and wore the long dresses to cover her damaged leg but also as a statement of her culture and history as a Mexican woman.
Here are some photos from the book:

It's a must for any of those who are into Frida and want to know more - great photos in the book, too, that I'd not seen before.
This afternoon, I take my painting of crows to the Women's Art Club of Cincinnati and try to get it in their juried show. Won't know either way until April so I've got to keep my fingers crossed until then - and it's very hard to paint when your fingers are crossed!
This large, hardback book uses photos from the Museo Frida Kahlo in Mexico City. When Frida died, Diego Rivera had her dressing room and bedroom closed off - for 50 years. When the opened the rooms, they discovered treasures of dresses, skirts, blouses, ribbons, etc. and made a book out of it.
What I find interesting is you can see the outfits Frida wears in many of her self-portraits or her photographs. And you get a bit of history of the Mexican women who wore those outfits. If you're a Frida-phile, you'll enjoy perusing this and reading a bit about the clothing. Frida was only 5'2" tall and wore the long dresses to cover her damaged leg but also as a statement of her culture and history as a Mexican woman.
Here are some photos from the book:

It's a must for any of those who are into Frida and want to know more - great photos in the book, too, that I'd not seen before.
This afternoon, I take my painting of crows to the Women's Art Club of Cincinnati and try to get it in their juried show. Won't know either way until April so I've got to keep my fingers crossed until then - and it's very hard to paint when your fingers are crossed!