I worked a bit more on this painting...still much to do. I think it needs more darks to add oomph but the bg right now is too dull so maybe have to wet it and drop in some blues and greens there. I'd like to have the curved petals leading your eye through the painting, too. I think this photo is a bit brighter than IRL, but it was taken out in the sunroom so sometimes things do seem brighter when taken that way.
Perfect love how the backround makes the flowers POP
The clarity of colors is so so good. Love that warm yellow kissing those blues, esp where it got all soft edged. The darks in the background really are arranged to move the eye thru the painting VERY WELL. And your Saturday drawing had a long line on the left hand side of the body that was unpredictable and full of life, actually 'told' the whole story of the pose. Keep enjoying making art!
Ooooooh it's goingto look awesome if you add those darks you're talking about, dramadramadrama!
BTW from the moment I read about the curved petals my eyes can't get away from the one on the upper left, the one touching the edge of the painting, maybe to block that border a bit would help to follow the direction the petal is curving towards instead of competing with the direction of that little shape towards the edge of the painting? I could be totally wrong since I didn't noticed until you mentioned the curved petals though.
Coming along great - take your time fiddling with the background - maybe pull just a touch of that color between some of the petals to bring the bg color onto the flowers.
Rhonda, this is going to be gorgeous! you have a beautiful range of blues and the yellow/orange really brings the entire painting to life. The background looks great...you achieved some really good darks - that is something I find very difficult to do.
Thanks, Cathy. It looks a bit mottled to me IRL so may have to work it a bit more.
Sandy, thanks!!
Teresa, I'll look at that curved petal you mentioned.
Deb, great minds must think alike, since I was thinking the same thing :)
Christiane, I used just 2 colors for the "black" = Ultramarine Turquoise and Bloodstone Genuine (a dark blood red granulating pigment) - both from Daniel Smith.
wow this is looking good.. noticed you used a few daniel smith colors.. dont ya just love them.. and being they are right up the coast from me.. i get my supplies QUICK!!! yippee!!
good job on the drawing too... need to really start working more on that myself.. have a fun day!!
Thanks, Cindi. I only use Daniel Smith watercolors except for the few tubes that have been given to me in the past. I love them - when I get famous, I want to be a spokesperson so they'll give me tubes every month :) hee hee
Woo Hoo, Rhonda!
I like this painting and your concept! Watch the negative shapes for repetition.The dark background forms a "river" that should flow through the painting in an interesting way. Squint at it and see if you can alter the shapes for more variety and interesting flow.
Thanks, Pam! I like that woo-hoo! ha ha
Kathy, I'll keep that in mind about the flow of the thing...something I want to accomplish in the end.
This moving along nicely, I'm thinking this wil be a TA-Daaaa painting,
keep us posted.
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