Placing some darks here and there and then around the edges and wondering what I'm thinking...I need to be thinking more and drizzling paint less.

At this point, I'll let it sit a while. Thinking about adding some collage bits and maybe some stamping or something...need to get more movement. I liked the idea of Paul's shadow shapes and will think about that, too.
This is looking great - sometimes I think you shouldn't think too much!
Those 3 brilliant red shapes move my eye around the them up a little??? Looking good...slowing down - YES! Way to go. Happy Thanksgiving, you who have a most beautiful heart!
Thanks, Sandy - you have a great Thanksgiving with your family :) Loved the turkey place-settings the kids did.
Cathy, thanks so much. Ah, thinking too much or not enough? It's a hard balance, isn't it? ha ha
I like it best a this stage - is the lace on there permanently? Looks like there's no fear of dripping and spattered painter here!
Thanks, Nick - you must be blogging today after feasting for Thanksgiving :) You don't like the lace additions? What if I mimic the lacey parts - using a stencil and lifting off - on the dark surroundings? Better? Worse? Ah well, we all can't like everything and as Ricky sang in Garden Party: You can't please everyone so you gotta please yourself. Of course, if I knew where I was going with this, I wouldn't ask you, would I? ha ha
So drip and splatter on the lace to help incorporate it a bit more in the painting...reading between the lines on nick's comment???
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