I had only had a chance to draw Julie one other time when I was attending the Open Figure Sessions at Manifest Gallery's Drawing Studio. It was fun then. It was a bit less fun this time. Why? The pose really threw me (Charles says he is going to build on the poses each week so they are going to get more difficult as the 10 weeks continues - oh boy!!!). The twist in the torso, the left leg coming towards me and the right leg less foreshortened was what I spent the majority of the time working to get right. I wish we had 6 hours to work on a pose, not just 3...but maybe next time I am the only studen who shows up, I'll suggest that! (It was a gorgeous Indian Summer day - warm, sunny, brilliant! - so the other students were playing hookey.)
Sorry I did not have more time to capture Julie's face more adequately.
Julie has the greatest hair - wild, curly, reddish-blonde hair with streaks of color added in yellows. I would love to have the personality to carry off that hairstyle :)
You got the twist and the foreshortening really well, I think the face should be even less defined to focus attention on the pose. Great to have a teacher who'll challenge you!
Ah, but that pose is perfect to learn, right? even if it's a pain lol, I see you are already getting really good results in so few sessions so don't get discouraged, even if the session didn't let you finish it all you succeeded capturing the tricky area. Can't wait to see your next class drawings!
Thanks so much, Cathy and Teresa. Ah, he's "challenging" me...I have to replace challenging for the word I was using = "torturing"! ha ha
Yes, I'm not discouraged...I just see how long I can work at something to finally "sneak up on it" and get it right so I need more hours! ha ha
I say bravo! Nice job on the legs and twisted trunk. I think concentrating on the tough areas first is great. I'd be tempted to just suggest the rest of the body and let viewer's mind fill in the details.
I'm impressed and I would love to see the models hair - sounds really neat.
Thanks so much, Pam and Vicki! Pam, I don't think the instructor will let me "leave it to the viewer's imagination" in this class :) He expects us to work hard and I am...I am! I hope it shows in my future paintings.
hi rhonda. i met julie a few weeks ago, and your sketch of her face is very accurate. great job. i look forward to seeing more sketches of julie.
Thanks, Missi! I hope Julie models for us again. I really enjoyed her session with us because she talked a lot and I felt like I got to know her a bit.
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