Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Hair/Profile 1 - January 26, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Turning 30 didn't bother me at all and turning 40 didn't give me any concerns but turning 50 - well, there is just something about that number that seems like, yep, it's all real and you, too, are getting old...
And I can see it coming up fast in the mirror so was feeling a bit down when Jerry said, "Let's go to the bookstore." So we stopped in Border's Bookstore and I got 2 art books (one on drawing portraits from photos that looks like a great find), and then to search for a new winter robe. Note to self: If you're feeling old, don't go into Victoria's Secret and think you will come out of there feeling anything but older!
Found my winter robe at another store - a beautiful cobalt blue robe that is cotton and bamboo (don't ask me how they do it, that's just what the tag said) and then I was smitten with this little beautiful kimono-like red robe and...well...I walked away from it, being the sensible woman I am. I walked back and lovingly touched it again, and Jerry bought it for me. Let me tell you, it perked me right up enough to come home and put on my geisha makeup and my robe and new black slippers and it may not have made me feel 30 again but not so bad for an "old broad." :)
the sleeves?
And thanks to Jenny, Mom, Millie, Mac and Sandy; Ann, Floyd, Gina and Sandy Maudlin; and China for all the birthday rememberances today. Thanks, too, to Lama, Haven, Talon, and Achara from my Buddhist Sangha; and thanks to my buddy, Ron, for the beautiful iris painting :)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
This time, a child's face. Michael Britton says how hard it is to get a good likeness of a child - then goes on to draw - with conte crayon (which is says is like a thoroughbred and a bit of a prima donna)! I'll post his version last (might as well save the best portrait for last, right?
Now here's mine:
First - Clara Serena (daughter of Peter Paul Ruben). Britton uses the oil painting done by Ruben in 1614 as a guide. I did it first in charcoal. Didn't want to do another graphite and wasn't brave enough to try the prima donna conte :)
Clara 1 - January 24, 2007
Then I got very brave - or very foolish - and tried one with sanguine conte. And Britton is right - you have to know what you're doing with this medium to get it right and I aged her a few more years by overstroking and blending and lifting and - well you get the idea.
Clara 2 - January 25, 2007
And finally, the version in sanguine conte by Michael R. Britton - as you can see, I have a long ways to go...
Monday, January 22, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Something was said in watercolor class yesterday that made me think about what made me want to paint in the first place: portraits. Painting people's faces and bodies. And I haven't done that much, except for the 5 geisha I did. Time to get back to basics and return to studying portrait drawing and painting until I can feel comfortable with getting a good likeness.
So I printed out my Drawing Newsletter from January 2006. I saved every one last year but am a year late in getting around to doing the drawing. Better late than never, I think :)
If you're interested, you can sign up for this free newsletter by Michael R. Britton at http://www.artacademy.com I may get his drawing dvds this year, too.
Lin #1 - January 22, 2007 Lin #2 - January 23, 2007
The picture of Lin came from the January 2006 newsletter. My plan is to do one each day but each model twice. So yesterday and today, I did Lin. Did I get any better the second day? Did I get worse? Did I see things better the second time around or the first? I think this will be a real learning experience.
And here is Michael's portrait of Lin which was featured in the newsletter done in graphite and conte crayon.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
But I came home and in the mail received - a Daniel Smith catalog and a gift certificate from Spain!!! A sweet surprise from my friend, Teresa :) who shouldn't have, really, shouldn't have done such a thing but she is such a sweetie and it made me smile and lifted my spirits so much :)
Gracias, mi amiga!!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
And I painted this thing.
It's not what I had in my mind at all, wanting to do it much more loose and spare of brushstrokes. Worked on it about 1/2 hour too long. I began with a light sketch on the paper (Fabriano Uno rough white 140#) and then laid in the first colors with a 1 inch hake brush (a gift from my artist friend, Mohan several year's ago) and a No. 7 round (Cheap Joe's). I cropped too much off the top and left side so now it's square - a definite no-no. Will try again. Waterlilies are hard to paint and I don't do landscapes well so I'm torturing myself...
The statue is of Jiso, protector of travellers and women, and was taken this past fall at Furnace Mountain, a Zen Buddhist retreat center.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Thank you, Mohan, for sharing your world with us while you were on this earth. And thank you, Susan (his wife and best friend) for bringing him back to his art after a long time away. The only thing that gave him more pleasure than his art was living his life with you.
Om mani padme hum...
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
I am putting a deposit down for the November workshop by Nicholas Simmons who is being hosted by Sandy. Those of you who visit WetCanvas (http://www.wetcanvas.com) will know Nick and his work. Those who don't you can check out his work there or at http://nicholassimmons.com. Not your traditional watercolorist, that's for sure!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Now, I wear glasses always - and my hair is short with bangs. Other than that, the features are mine but the eyes gave me fits and they just aren't right. And my dear husband said, "You're prettier than this," which is why I still love him after 12 years together :) haha
Now time to go back and work on the Leaves and Berries painting...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Monday, January 8, 2007
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Back to the masa paper elephant putting in some darker values and trying to splatter those freckles without getting them everywhere :) I think I made the iris of the eye too small and too reddish so it's a bit scary looking right now. I'm not sure I can "fix" it now but I'll give it a try.
Also put in another layer or two on the leaves and berries painting...haven't gone any darker than Quinacridone Gold on this so far.
Also want to say Happy Birthday to two friends: Teresa in Spain and China in Indiana!!