In celebration of good news from the cardiologist Wednesday afternoon. The news? That I don't have to return for 6 whole months!!! YAY! I was beginning to think I'd be in there or having tests run every month for the rest of my life - since that seemed to be the norm for this whole year. So now...a time to rest and breathe and get back to living and not worrying about heart issues that need nothing done for them right now other than keeping the blood pressure on an even keel.
This is 1/2 sheet Arches 300# watercolor paper.
1. Poured Pebeo Drawing Gum around on dry paper, drizzling it from a dropper and creating heart shapes here and there and then spritzing it outwards with a spray bottle. Let that dry completely.

2. Spritzed the paper with clean water and poured Hansa Yellow Light (a mix of pigment and water in a baby food jar so easy to pour it on and around). Moved the paper and let the pigment and water run and move. Let that dry completely.

3. Spritzed the paper again with clean water and then poured Quinacridone Rose. Waited for that to dry.
4. Reapplied miskit, creating a few more heart shapes and spritzing it with a spray bottle to move the miskit around. Waited for that to dry before the next pour.

More to come later :)
Congratulations on your upcoming 6 months without medical tests. It's much easier to keep blood pressure levels down when you aren't stressing about tests. Take it from another test pro like myself. LOL. I somehow managed to keep my stress down enough to drop one of my three BP meds this year.
Your poured painting looks interesting. Will have to check back again to see what comes next.
Very fun, I love the way this is going and can't wait to see the next step.
I'm also very happy to hear your good heart news. Yippee!!!
This is looking good/cool/outrageous/awesome looking forward to the next step.
Nice to hear that you will have a reprieve from the doctor(s) for sometime.
Great news and great start on your celebration painting!
Oh my gosh...don't make us wait...I can hardly wait to see what happens next!!!!!
Hooray for another six months without the stress and worry about more heart tests! You are a testament to clean living!
This is going to be very interesting to watch happen; keep showing us the WIPs, I am interested!
yippee!!! so glad you have good clean bill of health!!! my fingers/ toes have been crossed!! it has to be a huge relief...
now this painting looks fun... my pourings have not gone well so pulling up a chair to watch!! thanks for sharing... its looking good so far!
I'm SO happy for you - 6 months! woohoo. Also I love the technique you shared, I would like to try it. Thank you for the inspiration!
I really felt like a celebration was in order - and since I can't have rich, fatty, indulgent chocolate pie...why not a new painting?! ha ha
Thanks so much, Michelle, MaryBeth, Paul, Vicki, Ginny, Susan, Cindi and Jane for sticking with me through my whining and stuff about heart problems, and watching me create some strange art in the process! haha
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