When you come home so dissatisfied with it that you can't wait to do something else to it and add paint, gouache, more paint, stamps, etc. until you like it much better - but it's not a print anymore. That's okay. It's a better image now.
I'm calling it Red-Ribboned Woods.
And Carla posted her 2 prints and my plate and Marilyn's plate on her blog - check it out (it's the second posting).
What a fun image!! You definitely pulled this one together!! Belinda Del Pesco routinely embellishes her prints with great results, so you're in good company!!
I like it! The stamps really add some 'zing'.
Very wimsical.I know what you mean about coming home with something you don't care for,it's hurry up and fix it. On the other hand it feels great to be working on something you really like. It's sort of like receiving a christmas gift and show and tell with you hubby.
Thanks so much, Chris and Jane!
Cathy, it is hard not to just toss it but stick with it and learn from it and sometimes you get something much better with the bit of struggle :) Like a really bad hair day - do you just put on a hat or scarf or work with it and make it into something that won't scare the neighbors? ha ha
I think it looks great Rhonda!
This is gorgeous... Lots of imagery and depth! :)
Thanks so much, Dawn and Peg! I'm glad you like it and I'm glad I didn't just toss it in the round bin :)
hiya rhonda, i really like this, it is so serene and 'forestlike'. great one.
Was excited to see this here. Have two prints ran off (low and behold had fiddled with the contrast so much is way to dark) Not wanting to lose the print and costs and loving the paper (soft velvet) it was printed on added gesso and painted in the changes that wanted. My question is; what do you call this now (60 percent repainted)for now calling it a mixed media piece.
I think you've pulled this print out of the woods! Very lovely colors and feel.
(also thanks for having me on your blog roll... I'm honored!)
Rhonda... This should never make it all the way to the round bin! It, now, has great dimension and depth! I like it a lot, sorta like abstract meets reality! Great painting here!
Thanks so much, soul, Susan, aRt, and Sonya for your comments on this one, Sonya, I think this is now mixed media although it is all water-media. Going to check out your blog when I have time to view some things you have there :)
aRt, I am honored to have your blog on my blogroll and love seeing your work :)
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