Went a bit darker on some petals and the leaves. Now need to go into the rest of the background - that open space left white so far. But maybe later. Right now I'm trapped by a really interesting mystery called Island of Lost Girls and want to see how it ends - who did it? Or in this case? How many did what and when and why? It's a good book.
And tomorrow I'll be doing some more printmaking at Marilyn's house. Need to gather up my materials for the day!
Hi Rhonda, This painting is lovely. Talk about carefully layering colors. Beautiful results and great sketch.
About responding to comments,do you think people should respond tp comments on our own page or go to the comment persons blog. It would be nice to have a conversation but sometimes i don't go back to the comment I made to check for a response? You are lucky, you are involved in workshops and classes. I don't start a class until fall and even then it's not really the kind of instruction that I am looking for. I should venture to the community college or a local art society.
Great work on those white metals, with just a blush of shadow and that essential yellow glow in the center of some of the petals. I also like your treatment of those waxy leaves. I think the fact that you are glazing over the original underpainting on the leaves makes it work very well.
Are you going to go dark for the background? I hope so, that would make those white petals even whiter and more three-dimensional.
You are making very considered decisions on this one! I have to force myself to do that instead of jumping in with half an idea and then stubbing my toe.
wow.. love watching you work.... great colors in the the flowers and the leaves.....will be pulling up a chair, if its ok and watching the back ground unfold...thanks for sharing.. i'm sure enjoying!!:)
Hi, Cathy! Thanks so much for your comments on this one :) Yes, I meant that the blogger owner should reply on their blog after the comments have come in - and if the person forgets to go back and check, then no harm done - but if they do and never get a reply it seems that the blog owner doesn't really care about the comments so they should just not have that option. I am lucky to have workshops and classes and tons of people who are willing to share their knowledge with me!
Susan, thanks! I am thinking more and painting less on this one so I hope it turns out okay :) Yes, I do intend to do a mix of darks in the white negative shapes next and see how it pops the white flower.
Cindi, would you like a nice latte while you're sitting and watching...and a piece of dark chocolate? Or are you a wine and cheese kind of girl? :)
This is beautiful Rhonda - I'm so impressed with the patience you've taken with those subtle layers. I had a short 'painting white' phase a while ago, but just never took this sort of care - not surprisingly, I bombed!
Re comments - I often wonder if people come back to read responses, but I try to do so when I can, and enjoy the interchange. Sometimes life and computer just gets too overwhelmingly demanding and I take a break, and understand when others are doing the same - but you're right, if a blogger never responds, you feel like you're posting into a void.
Thank you so much for your comments, Cathy :) I know life does get in the way, esp for a working artist who has commissions and other jobs to do. I'm talking about those bloggers who NEVER reply even if you are a regular poster on their blog - like you said, makes you feel like your words are going into a void and aren't really wanted. Now off to view some blogs this morning - a great way to start the day!
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