Across the river from Paducah, KY is a little town in Illinois called Metropolis. Metropolis? Wasn't that where Superman lived? Yep! And you can go to the courthouse and see this giant statue of Superman and take his photo. The little blonde guy is my own super man :)

Driving on through Illinois into Missouri and to St. Louis. Had to take a quick snap of the Arch through the car window.

Did you know that a large chunk of I-64 was closed going through St. Louis? We didn't...and it wasn't easy to find our way to the hotel. But we finally arrived, tired and hot (yes, another scorching day), and ready to rest after a quick visit to the Science Museum (which was mostly for kids, it seems) because we got into the Forest Park area and couldn't find the Art Museum (which is what I wanted to see because 1) it was an art museum and 2) it was air conditioned and cool inside). So the next day we went to the St. Louis Art Museum (after walking a few miles in the scorching heat around the St. Louis Zoo where most of the animals were hiding inside burrows or caves and sleeping in the heat while the less smart humans walked around, wilting and suffering the sun and 105 heat index.

My favorite things at the museum (
= the dancer by Degas in the same room as 2 Van Goghs and a Monet water lily painting.
And, of course, the Bodhissatvas and Buddhas in the Asian art area.
More to come later when I sort through more photos...
So pleased you found these wonderful works in the St Louis Art Museum. Ive seen the set of water lilies when they were in London a few years back completely filling three walls. Sounds like you are having a great visit. We are having a heatwave over here but I don't really like it when its so sticky.
All museums are worth spending a few hours viewing their works, Joan, and the SLAM was no exception - makes me want to go to our Cincinnati Art Museum again soon. Our heatwave finally broke and we were having cooler weather, with nice breezes for a few days.
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