I like self-portraits that are not just face forward, straight on, here you are, looking at me, warts and all. So I like this one. My lovely bowler and a hint of a smile. I had to have a black bowler after seeing Lena Olin in The Unbearable Lightness of Being, so I've had this for decades.

I think I'll try to paint this one for the next Self-Portrait Global Love-in...and since the deadline isn't until September 12, I have plenty of time to do it right the first time or mess up a couple of times while working on it in between other things. (The photo is lightened quite a bit because otherwise the black bowler is just a black cutout shape with no real shaping to it...so to see the rim and the bowl better, I just faded the color out.)
Hey, this is going to be a portrait of a HAT! Let's see a little more of the fascinating woman wearing the hat.
Hey, this will be a portrait of a HAT! Let's see a little more of the fascinating woman under the hat.
I look forward to seeing how this turns out! But I agree with Myrna--YOU are the subject!
I just bought a new hat and think I'll take up this challenge too.
I've never done a self-portrait from a photo--too self-conscious to be photographed by anyone else; I always look so uncomfortable!
Let's see a shot of you facing the camera with the hat tipped over one eye - kind of a Sally Bowles look. You would still be mysterious, but, as Myrna said, we could see more of the fascinating woman wearing the hat!:)
Well, I thought it was a cute pose without having to paint so much of my face! ha ha Sorry you don't like it...maybe I'll choose another to add to this. Of course, I haven't started the first yet...can you say Procrastination??
Great composition for the portrait event. Have fun with that gorgeous coloured top. Have fun with the Wii too. Supposed to be great exercise!!
Joan, the Wii is fun and anything fun will get you moving a bit longer than usual :) I'm glad someone likes the photo! ha ha
I think this is really cute! :)
Thanks, Peg. I liked it but was feeling like the lone ranger :) I'm off on a batik tangent right now but will get back to this before the end of the month (knowing I have until September to do it makes me procrastinate!)
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