And here is the crescent board with the drawing and misket - more is better with the misket for me because I need to maintain those whites to make this work and I tend to...well, you know...
And the drawing I need to transfer to the Cresent board for the poured painting:
Florida gators from a photo I took last year at the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine.
If you have never used Cresent board, here is what the back looks like. This is hotpress watercolor paper glued to a fiber board (heavy cardboard). This was a Christmas present from Sandy and we are all going to use our piece in class to do a poured painting.
Yep, that's me at the bottom - having a wobbly day but like the toy jingle:
Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!
So that is Weeble-me thinking about January, another birthday, snow, ice, the music of snowblowers in the neighborhood.
"All things are impermanent." "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down."
And now the sleet has turned to huge goose feathers of snow falling slowly through the air. I wouldn't be surprised to have 8 inches on the ground by this evening. The weathermen/women got this one right.
So tell me, which one of you really ticked off Mother Nature?
Watch out for falling branches. Look down where you're walking so you don't slip and fall. Drive slowly. Better yet, stay inside and stay safe!
I like #20 a lot - maybe one of my favorites so far.
I asked my mother, "Why did you have to have me in January?" She informed me that, in spring, a certain young man's fancy turned to...love! ha ha That young man being my father. My brother was born in November, my sister in December, and me in January - I see a pattern here!! ha ha
This morning I get to fast until after my blood test for cholesterol - whoo hooo, what fun!!! That's the way to celebrate your birthday! Seriously, I'm old old old now...gotta face it. With the new no-line bifocals that are like looking through magnifying glasses and the cholesterol tests and the body becoming a pear-shape...well, I need chocolate!!! ha ha