Here he is - finished. Again, used only 1) Raw Sienna 2) Burgandy Red Ochre and 3) Sedona Genuine (colors that are very close in value and hue - with Paynes Gray for the black.
And the next 3 color challenge will be done with:
Hansa Yellow Deep, Pyrrol Orange + Phthalo Blue (Red Shade). I'll probably use Lunar Black mixed with the orange and blue for the black. I haven't decided what to paint with these colors yet.
So so wooly. GREAT textures and very nice job! Way to go.
The texture you got with this is great! He really is a furry beast, huh? My only nit-pick would be to use some of the dark background color in the deepest folds of his neck and in his ears to set a darker "darkest dark" value. I like your three-color projects, they are interesting.
I am up to my neck in Christmas sale art projects so can't get anything else done, it seems, right now. I sold so many of my 4x4 petroglyph clayboard "tiles" last weekend that I am doing an assembly line production of more before this coming weekend's sale. I'll post some of them on the blog when I get done since I am using some newer petroglyph designs I photographed this summer in New Mexico. They are cool! Sales two weekends in a row are a real challenge!
Hi Rhonda, I have tagged you in the internet networking game. Check my blog site for the rules. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your work and want to spread the word for other's to enjoy it, too.
Susan, I thought the same thing - that I should have put a touch of that dark into the horns and shadows but I felt that was cheating for some reason (we are supposed to use 3 colors + white and black and I wanted to try to get dark with just the 3 main colors). Isn't it great to be selling these so well that you have to make more?? Make twice as many as you think you need - then you'll have them for next time, too! The texture is just brushwork - no special granulating colors or anything :)
Sandy - thanks so much for always checking on my stuff :)
Myrna - gotta go see what I need to do now that I've been tagged!
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