More Blind Contour Drawings, SquiggleDoos and Sketches today...
It must be the time of year but I'm in the mood to change this blog and how it looks. I will hold off the temptation until the end of this year and next year I'll have something that looks a bit different.
Also, I have plans to have a birthday give-away (in January) of some paintings. (I just read several blogs that have done a Pay It Forward type of thing, offering freebies to the first 3 people to post a comment on their blog and then asking those 3 people to do the same thing on their blog and so on = Pay It Forward!) Doesn't that sound like a great idea and fun? It also rewards those steadfast "watchers" who post comments to your blog and let you know you're not alone! On the blogs I've seen, the items are small (most are ATCs) but I guess they can be any size - just something easy to slip into a padded envelope and send out. So...look for that in late January.
See what happens when I'm not painting? All these ideas come to me. I even got out the Moleskine sketchbook that's been sitting in my art room in a box for the whole year - clean, pristine, and ready to go. I was surprised to feel how sturdy and slick the paper is and also what a warm tone it is - not pure white at all. I'm determined to see what all the fuss is about with these, though - have you checked out the Moleskinerie blog? Those folks are crazy for Moleskines of all sorts, sizes, and colors.
Here is my new, pristine Moleskine sketchbook - haven't even written my name in the front yet! And the pens/pencils I intend to use in more plain graphite sketches for me! 
Would you like to join me for a New Year's Eve draw and paint out?? Hmmm....another idea...
So many ideas! So little time!
Good! I've been meaning to write to say USE YOUR MOLESKINE! That's what it's there for. What a happy day it will be when the used paper fans the book open and you really need the little attaached band to close it.
LOL! Maybe I'm afraid to become one of the moleskine disciples, Suzanne!! But I have to admit, my fingers are itching to start BUT I'll make myself wait until New Year's Eve Day...BTW, your landscapes are especially bright and wonderful lately with the yellows and how you use them - so great to see these paintings on a dull, winter day when the sky is grey.
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