Monday, January 26, 2009

Have a Colorful Day

January is such a dreary month, in this part of the world. Cold, grey, icy, snowy, windy, blah...I often wished I was born in another month...maybe April when spring is in the air and pale yellows and citrine greens are sprouting up everywhere; or perhaps October when the trees are ablaze with golds, reds and oranges. But no, I get January. So I have to make my own colorful day!

So, which colors should I use today?

(I tried to create a slideshow of Smudge grooming but it didn't work :(
Slide used to be so much easier to use and now I get error messages.

Oh, well...who wants to see a big old fat black and white cat grooming anyway?

Snow prevented me and my Mom from sharing a birthday lunch with cake and presents yesterday. Hope today is better.

I asked my mother, "Why did you have to have me in January?" She informed me that, in spring, a certain young man's fancy turned! ha ha That young man being my father. My brother was born in November, my sister in December, and me in January - I see a pattern here!! ha ha

This morning I get to fast until after my blood test for cholesterol - whoo hooo, what fun!!! That's the way to celebrate your birthday! Seriously, I'm old old old now...gotta face it. With the new no-line bifocals that are like looking through magnifying glasses and the cholesterol tests and the body becoming a pear-shape...well, I need chocolate!!! ha ha


Dawn said...

Happy Birthday Rhonda!
I hope it is a good one!

Suzanne McDermott said...

Colorful peace. That's an auspicious symbol to display for your birthday! Have a happy one and may this year bring all good things for you!

Angela said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Maybe you should start celebrating your half birthday instead - or also!

How does June 26th sound? :)

Try to have a great day anyway - but I hear you about this time of year. It's soooo amazingly cold here in MN today.

(BTW - I have a fat black and white goat named Smudge. Named by my son after a lamb in his favorite James Herriot story)

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Dawn - now you didn't share your birthday???
Suzanne, I never thought about it being a colorful peace sign, just a split primary color wheel - I like the colorful peace better!
I like the 1/2 birthday celebration in June, Angela!! Great idea. I'm going to put it on my calendar right now. Do you have a photo of your black and white goat?? said...

A very pretty color chart.

Happy happy birthday.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks so much, Bill. Your latest post has to be a self-portrait - looks like the Elvis song, "Here comes T-R-O-U-B-L-E!"