In the meantime, here are the last sketches I did in my Exacompta Sketchbook. The first page and the pears were inspired by photos in Shirley Trevena's book. With the pears, I was playing with designs and working with "odd" formats per the Robert Kaupelis drawing book.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 31, 2007 - The Last Day of 2007!!!
In the meantime, here are the last sketches I did in my Exacompta Sketchbook. The first page and the pears were inspired by photos in Shirley Trevena's book. With the pears, I was playing with designs and working with "odd" formats per the Robert Kaupelis drawing book.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007 - Art Books to Study
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007 - Drawing My Day
And did another - still no photo or drawing, just outline and color put in - in my sketchbook so it's part of Drawing my Day. But couldn't leave it so muted and needed to see something bright with color - so just put in some cherries! Yay, red!
And this is all just AM stuff. Plus helping Jerry reformat and print out spreadsheets and doing 2 loads of laundry and fixing lunch wonder I feel like I need a nap! ha-ha
In the afternoon/evening:
Finished reading Jodi Picoult's
latest book, Nineteen Minutes.
Watched Smudge sleep in my spot
on the sofa (didn't want to wake him).
Watched the much anticipated game between
the New England Patriots and the New York Giants.
It would be nice if they could both win so NE could have a perfect record and NY could win tonight - hey, what can I say, I like any team with a player on it named Plaxico Burress! (I once was a Tennessee Titans fan because they had Yancy Thigpen on their team!)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007 - Another Day in the World
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007 - Man and Horse
I used a photo from a magazine of the actor, Ken Watanabe (The Last Samarai, Memoirs of a Geisha) and a pale horse. Guess he's been riding and is sitting down for a rest since he has his riding boots on. I think I need even darker darks in places.
I may not do another painting but pull out my Virtual Poser cd and work on some sketches instead. I haven't been drawing as much as I should - just sketches on the wc paper before painting. Although I did pull a blue and a yellow this next 3-color draw so it may tempt me to do something else to finish up the year. Afterall, there are still 4 more days of the year left before I do my Drawing in the New Year challenge to myself (you are very welcome to join me on New Year's Eve Day and draw and draw and draw).
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 - Kwanzaa + Boxing Day
Christmas is over, the presents have been unwrapped and the enormous amounts of food have been eaten (well, we tried to eat it all, piggies that we are! :) I got artist things: a block of Fabriano extra white Artistico paper, Virtual Poser 3 (shows models on your computer screen you can draw, paint, or just print out for reference), and a Daniel Smith gift certificate - so I'm ready to rock and roll!!!
Back to the gym for me today with a brand new pedometer - counting those steps - and brand new shoes. Jerry got a ZenStonePlus (mp3 player) and we oldtimers finally figured out how to get it to work and downloaded some music from cds last night so he's ready for the treadmill. I figure between us, we need to work off about 5,000 calories from the 24th and 25th (and I didn't even have the chicken wings or the persimmon pudding with real whipped cream).
I finished the madrone tree today. I really needed a warm yellow for that central part that is smooth, where the bark pulls away and shows the red underneath the "peels" but didn't have one so here it is. I put the Periwinkle in the background as a thin, pale wash.
And I can't finish one without choosing the next 3 colors which are:
Ultramarine Violet
Tigers Eye Genuine
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 - Christmas Day
I probably won't get more done today - places to go, people to see, presents to share... but maybe tomorrow. This is on 300# Arches coldpress paper which takes drybrushing well.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007 - Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007 - Pretty Hat
(Susan, this is also SWAP sized :)
The photo looks blurry to me but I've tried taking a photo of this twice and it looked the same both times. Maybe it's the texture of the board that is making it look fuzzy? It doesn't look fuzzy in real life.
1) Burnt Umber
2) Quinacridone Burnt Orange
3) Zoisite Genuine
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, December 22 - Happy Solstice
Yesterday, I was listening to to our local university (WNKU) radio station. They played New Orleans' style holiday music and I actually got in the mood to wrap presents! So I'm over 1/2 way done now.
And I can make a pretty good purple dark with these so no extra color to make my darks on this one. I'm revisiting a painting I did months ago - from a photo at Wet Canvas taken by yabby. I'm also going to work on a piece of Multimedia Art Board from Cheap Joe's ( that Gina Hall told me about. It is a fun and loose as yupo and Tygerag but easier to control. Before it dries, you can wipe it back to white but after it dries, I've found there is no going back. There are 2 sides - one side rougher and more textured than the other.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007 - LightStruck Hollyhock Finale
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007 - Free Rice + Hollyhocks Update

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 - Sketching And...
My big old fat cat, Smudge, is an excellent model - he rarely moves and sleeps all over the house in various positions. He is a "Cadillac Cat" or a "Tuxedo Cat" - and I think that means he's black and white and has a lot of room in the back end (which is true).
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 - Change
Also, I have plans to have a birthday give-away (in January) of some paintings. (I just read several blogs that have done a Pay It Forward type of thing, offering freebies to the first 3 people to post a comment on their blog and then asking those 3 people to do the same thing on their blog and so on = Pay It Forward!) Doesn't that sound like a great idea and fun? It also rewards those steadfast "watchers" who post comments to your blog and let you know you're not alone! On the blogs I've seen, the items are small (most are ATCs) but I guess they can be any size - just something easy to slip into a padded envelope and send out. So...look for that in late January.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007 - Drawings + Doodles
I'm reading and studying Experimental Drawing by Robert Kaupelis. Which means I'm back to using my sketchbook and doodling, drawing, creating lines while watching tv.