Here are the figure drawings I did Saturday morning. Both were done using my graphite Sketch n'Wash (you can draw and then wet and blend it out). It was a bit troublesome to draw this model because he kept nodding off - literally! His head began up and just slightly leaned on his knee and tilted downward - but each time I returned to the head to work, it was lower and lower! I finally quit on the first one and started another after he had a short break and woke up some.
But the sketch n'wash doesn't blend as well as other things so I need to use it only if I intend to blend with water and go back to using charcoal or soft graphite if I want the blending to work better. I'm thinking I need a softer paper, too, not the Aquabee paper I'm using for these sketches. Or maybe it's just me and I haven't learned the technique well yet?? Anyway, I'm not happy with either of these for their lack of soft blending from darks to lights. 
No drawing or painting today - off for a day trip to meet up with my SWAP partner in Ohio.
Photos to share later!
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