I did this in stages, pouring each stage and misketing off each stage (first the whites, then the palest value, and so on until I got to the darkest pour). Then I took all the misket off and darkened some areas that needed a bit more. A lot was left white because the photo really showed that white and shadow - which was what attracted me to it in the first place. Photo by Jerry :) I could have made it even darker but didn't want to go that dark - what do you think?
Now, I'm going to meet Nicholas Simmons (see sidebar for his website) in person this afternoon when he finishes up his workshop at Sandy Maudlin's studio in Indiana - looking forward to that and to seeing what he and Sandy have been cooking up all week.
Really realy a good painting and a great abstract. What a lucky guy to have received this gorgeous piec of art! You did an awesome job.
I like the seamless way you did the value shifts with pouring the paint. Good job on the rendering as well as making all that equipment part of the scene without looking pasted on, very nice.
Thanks so much, Sandy and Susan! It was fun doing a small poured painting like this - I might try another after I finish all the other half-finished pieces I have sitting around!
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