Thursday, March 29, 2007
Saturday, Mar. 31, 2007 - Cassie Again
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Thursday, Mar. 29, 2007 - Fitton Center/GHAE Show
I'm entering Geisha No. 5 - Red Umbrella (watercolor and gouache on gold gessoed paper)
Blue Dream Rhino (watercolor on gessoed paper)
Now that those are taken care of (we hear about acceptance in 2 weeks), I need to get ready for the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society show at Evergreen this spring. That paperwork is due April 4th so I have to choose 2 more paintings which means choosing something already matted and framed or having something else matted and framed.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2007 - What's in Your Mailbox?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Tuesday, Mar. 27, 2007 - Portrait of Mohan
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Monday, Mar. 26, 2007 - Fear
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Thursday, Mar. 22, 2007 - Unfinished Portrait of Cassie
While I was letting this one rest, I went back to Robinson's book and did another little seascape - well, this one is more about the rocks and he talks about charging the color into the wet paint in the rocks and the water. And when I took it off the block, I tore the top/sky area so it's smaller than 5" x 8" but I still like it. I think I'm about ready to go bigger, though.
Wednesday, Mar. 21, 2007 - Little Seas No. 2
I highly recommend E. John Robinson's book, Paint the Sea and Shoreline in Watercolor Using Special Effects. He even has detailed work on the construction of waves and how they look - and why - in varying weather conditions. The video is good, too. (He uses sandpaper to scrape out some whites in the foamy area and it works great.) The little painting is from his book, learning how to make the waves and the rocks look right until I can work on my own photos.
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2007 - Geisha No. 5 Framed
Sorry, I need Jerry to take a better photo of it before I take it away to the show to be chosen (I hope). It was on a slant in the sunroom because I was trying to not get lights in the glass showing back at me.
Without mat and frame:
Monday, March 19, 2007
Monday, Mar. 19, 2007 - Doing The Wave
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Saturday, Mar. 17, 2007 - Gator Grid and "Shark"
Also, took out one of the portraits I started in the JRogers workshop and fiddled with it a while. About 1/2 hour too long and I just didn't feel any spark while working with it so nothing special. Lost the whites and had to go back with some gouache to touch up the beard, moustache and hair in places. I think I'll enjoy working with the other portraits more - but I'll watch Janet's dvd before putting more paint on them.
I did get some more age on him, which was needed, but there is just something sneaky and/or cocky about his look - so I'm calling him Shark!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Thursday, Mar. 15, 2007 - Light and Dark

Sunday, March 11, 2007
Monday, Mar. 12, 2007 - Class Work
Today is going to be a day spent reading on the sofa or in bed and sleeping.
I did get my husband to take my SWAP painting to the post office this afternoon. And a little something for my friend, Teresa, in Spain is now on it's way...hope you enjoy it, Sweetie Girl!Sunday, Mar. 11, 2007 - TSP Show at the Sharon Centre
If you're a birder, you'll love the bird photos done by Richard and Margaret Jones. Or you may want one of Jerry's (my husband) spring tree frogs taken here at our home or the red-eyed tree frog photos taken with "George," a loaner from a Biology student :)
There are nature and travel photos and birds and frogs and lions and gorillas much to see!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Saturday, Mar. 10, 2007 - I'm Painting Today!
I have to choose 2 paintings to put into the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society spring show at Evergreen Retirement Center - that is coming up in May and whatever I choose will need to be matted and framed since I have so few things that are ready. That show is water media.
I'm thinking about these two. They won't be hung together so one won't overpower the other.
Friday, Mar. 9, 2007 - TriState Photographic Society Show
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Thursday, Mar. 8, 2007 - Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society
We have such a wealth of instruction and helpful artists in the group! Several of the members went to the Cincinnati Art Museum ( after the meeting and had lunch and then toured the Andrew Wyeth exhibit there. I walked through rooms filled with paintings of the Olson house; sketches and preliminary studies of the house; and various aspects of the Olson's way of life done in charcoal, watercolor, tempura and graphite. (Many of you will know the famous painting, Christina's World painted in 1948 of the woman at the bottom of the hillside leaning towards the house far away).
Here's the CAM brochure with just one of the watercolor paintings shown. Christina's World is permanently housed at the Museum of Modern Art (NY).
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Wednesday, Mar. 7, 2007 - Blind Contour Sketches, Preliminary Sketches, and One More Portrait
Before we ever picked up our brushes, Janet had us loosen up and helped us "see the forms" by having us do about 1/2 dozen blind contour drawings. These were done by putting our paper in front of us, looking at the model, and drawing the model while NEVER looking back at our paper = blind drawing! haha Fun but crazy and it helped us warm up. The idea was not to have something that looked good at the end but to have our eyes and hands coordinate.
Then we did some preliminary sketches before painting the models.
Then we got right into painting after watching Janet do several demos for us. She is completely open to suggestions - if you need help with eyes, she'll do just eyes. If you need help with mouths, she'll do just mouths, etc. But she doesn't like doing ears - so you're on your own there :)
A Janet Rogers quote: "They aren't wrinkles. They're just value changes."
So the next time you look in the mirror, just tell yourself this :)
Tuesday, Mar. 6, 2007 - Portraits from Janet Rogers Workshop
Janet put the two models (both teenaged girls) in big floppy hats and soft romantic puffy sleeved tops and they looked wonderful. I think they enjoyed their new outfits, too, with long, flouncy skirts to go with their blouses.