Friday, April 5, 2019


This crow is saying, 
What is that thing in the sky??

Oh, yeah, it's the sun.  It's been a while since we've seen much of it here in Kentucky so she's a bit confused.

Second crow of April - on Yupo.  I won't paint them all on Yupo but thought I'd start that way and see where it goes.  I will also do some on my hotpress paper, and maybe even rough Arches.  Or a print, maybe days in April and so many ways to go with the crows.


Anonymous said...

he is a fine fella and I can understand why he's shocked to see the sun,, I am as well!!!! Been a while lol,,

Chris Lally said...

Love the gesture of the crow! A very creative painting!
And there's not much sun around here either, Rhonda, but the trees have been getting a good soak before the summer heat, so that's something good :)

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks so much, Laurie. We are having April showers now but warmer weather.

Thanks, Chris. I am using birds I take photos of for reference (and not crows because I only have about a dozen photos of crows taken through the years), plus online references (since I'm not going to gain monetarily from these I think it's ok). Yes, April showers now...

laura said...

Fantastic pose ... he looks like he's about to launch!
I like the blue-violet color too. suggests iridescence

AK said...

The stance of the crow is so natural. Fabulous.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks so much, Laura and Asit!!

Jennifer Rose said...

lots of movement to the crow :)

there is a story about a raven stealing the sun in the Haida mythology, they have a lot of great tales :