While in Anna Maria, I often visit The Olive Oil Outpost for a scrumptious cafe con leche. It's my routine to stop once a day - yes, I'm addicted and like the people there a lot.
On the way to the OOO, beside the walkway between streets, was this strange plant that had red pods growing on a tall red stem (it stood about 4 feet high). It also had a single white flower blooming, which I did not paint.
It caught my eye and I had to try to paint it when I came home.
Some impressionistic greenery around it and another stem without the pods.
Wonder what this plant is called? I was going to ask someone, but forgot to do so while I was there.
This is painted on a scrap of 140# Fabriano Artistico cold press paper.
Rhonda , after living here in Florida for fifty years this year you would think I'd have an idea of what this plant could be.
I don't, but we have so many interesting plants . I'd like to know what it is also.
Anna Maria island is a beautiful area. I've lived on both coasts and prefer the west side.
Sanibel, Captiva, Naples all of them are wonderful..
It's called "gorgeous," that's what it's called :)
Rhonda such an interesting plant. Have never seen one like this growing. Love how you put in a soft background that really set off the red plant. Hope your holidays were wonderful. Hugs!
Thanks, Barbra Joan - I’ve looked for plants of Florida but haven’t found anything like it. Oh, well...maybe I’ll run across it somewhere and find out the name. The west coast has been hit hard with red tide and green algae all at the same time - that lasted for months. They say now that some of the fishermen are getting out of the business due to the lack of fish and stone crab, etc. due to the red tie being there for so long - hope the gulf coast recovers because it is a beautiful place. I love St Augustine, too, though :).
Thanks so much, Chris!!
Thanks, Debbie :). The softness of the background was really because I didn’t want to put more in after painting the plant (but don’t tell anyone! ha ha).
Interesting! I'll be lookingcwhen I'm in FL late this month.
Love the reds and greens (the hardest complement pair for me) and the sinewy movement
maybe image search on google if you have a photo of it? might herlp figure out what it is
the painting is a nice vivid red :)
Thanks, Laura. Not sure how long they last but they were full of pods and only 1 bloom in December.
Jennifer Rose = great idea!! I found out it’s a Roselle Hibiscus, called Thai Red. Thanks for the tip to try Google image - I just plugged in plants with red pods and there it was!
Very cool-looking plant, Rhonda. And I'm glad you found out what it is :)
Thanks, Kathryn, I wouldn’t have tried it without Jennifer suggesting the Google image search - I have to remember that one!
Glad you figured out what it was :)
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