Jerry's photo group (TriState Photographic Society) is having a show at the Sharon Woods gallery. They are hanging the show today, it begins tomorrow and the artist reception is Sunday from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. If you are in the Sharon Woods area, stop into the Visitor Centre and see the photos - the exhibit is open April 10-18 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm daily. There are some amazing photographers in the group and if you like photography, you will enjoy seeing the variety of styles and subjects.

That's Jerry's photo of the little frog (not George) in the middle of the top row.
And just for fun - here's another photo from the Peep Show. This one is called Peeps Clique...

1 comment:
You are on a roll with the Peeps - keep it coming! Got my opening tonight - wish me luck!
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