Some info from the first DVD:
He prefers and uses Fabriano watercolor paper.
He paints with his paper upright on a easel (probably because he began as an oil painter and learned that way), sitting in a chair. He doesn't recommend starting this way for beginners, though...just paint flat or at a slight tilt.
He uses a small, metal palette (almost a travel palette and he hates plastic palettes so always has metal ones) he holds in his left hand while he paints because he doesn't like to have everything spread out and have to reach for it.
He paints very juicy with lots of pigment (either Winsor Newton or Holbein paints), and almost always paints and blends his colors wet-in-wet.
So, as I'm in between other things, I've been watching the first DVD. There are lessons and then assignments he wants you to do = swatches and some fruit studies to learn his technique. I think it has to do with the water to paint ratio and the way he moves his brush. No dab-dab-dabbing the color on but contacting brush to paper and leaving that connection as he swirls the brush around, angling the handle in the direction he wants the stroke to go. He, apparently, doesn't use anything but Kolinsky sable rounds, which are pretty pricey (but not if you're Charles Reid :)
I think I'll do the assignments, just for fun and to see if it helps me with my brush control more. I have a couple of sable brushes I never use - so will get them out. And I do like Fabriano paper a lot.
If you're interested in this DVD, I ordered mine through http://www.paintflix.com and it was delivered quickly.
Hi Rhonda,
I think you're right: We all want to paint like Charles Reid LOL! Thank you for sharing the info.
I love Charles Reid's style and have recently bought one of his books. I've seen a couple of excerpts from his DVDs on Youtube but find them a bit expensive.
My only criticism of his book is that he expects things to be done his way - do this, do that - never do this. I prefer to be guided not dictated to! That said - he is awesome.
Thanks for sharing some his tricks.
I know I still hear painters say they want to paint looser...or loosen up their painting style, Jane.
His style is good and it apparently makes him tons of money from workshops, DVDs, and books - plus his paintings. I think you are right about the cost (but it is for 3 DVDs and 10 lessons), and his way...but that's what he's teaching you and I've yet to hear him say, you'll find your way in between mine and your style now so it's more him telling you I do it this way and you should, too. It does make me laugh when he'll say, "I can't do it wrong. I'll try to do it wrong so you can see that." ha ha He does like himself a lot!
Hi Rhonda. I love your new header! I have one of his videos and find it very inspiring!
I too am a huge Charles Reid fan. And I do have one of his videos but not this one. I think I have one on painting florals. I will get it out and look at it again...spring is the time for florals!!! He does have a very special style...very enjoyable and I like his style for my sketchbook!!!! I have one of his books that is particularly nice called Paint What You See. It is out of print now and I was lucky to find it in a used book store. But you might look on Barnes & Noble used and out print to see if they have it. First published in 1983. It's a treasured book.
Thanks, Laura :) Just a quick snap of my palette one day while I was working with blues :)
Ginny, I have another Reid DVD, too - will have to see which one it is (I think it's a floral, too and I don't do florals often so I wonder why I bought it). I don't have any of his books - getting away from books into DVDs more so I can see the work being done, even if it's slow going because they all start out with materials.
Thanks, Jane and Gillian! Forgot to thank you or even name you in my comment replies...usually I direct the comment to the person but must have been speeding too much on the keyboard that day!
Thanks for the Charles Reid tips and the link. Very interesting. And I laughed at your comments about he can't do anything wrong. I may invest in one of his DVDs.
Carol, thanks - he said it himself! ha ha Must be nice to have such a strong ego...or...maybe not? ha ha He knows that people want to paint like him so he's saying, do it this way and you'll get there. I want to paint like me but with some looser feeling to my work...and I may get there after some more practice and playing.
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