I had the Naples Yellow over the "stringies" of the Spanish Moss, intending to cut into that with colors. Couldn't think of the colors to use but knew I'd have to do opaques. So picked up some more Naples Yellow, Chinese White, Periwinkle (a violet by American Journey), and Zoesite Genuine (I think that's how it's spelled but it doesn't look right) for a variety in which to dip my brush.
It seemed to work
and yet
it didn't.
I think it's a do-over...

Everything is too muddy for me. So either I start again with a better idea or use some fluid acrylics on it or...
just call it a bad painting and move on to something else...like waves or another sunny scene.
The photo isn't showing the warmer color at all - not sure why. Maybe I need to take another photo in the sunroom in shadow and see if it's more true to the painting colors...
You had a vision that just didn't turn out right (gee, that NEVER happens to me!!!!) but don't give up - try it again with some of your new moss photos as a guideline. Maybe put some color down first and then miskit over it and go on from there???
Yeah, that vision vs reality thing sucks at times! I'm thinking the same thing you did - don't try to go over the green background but paint in some of the moss, then misket and paint in some more, etc. and then worry about the background after the misket is off.
Rhonda, I find that it looks good, but if it does not match your vision, then do try something else ...misket, fluid acrylics etc. Give yourself the freedom to break all the rules if you have to.
Rhonda I know the feeling since I have thrown away just about everything I tried to paint in the last two weeks but I am sure that it is just because I am moving up to another level - lol. This is a great idea so don't give up on it.
Thanks, Christiane. I think you are being too kind about this one, though :)
Vicki, I hear you! Sometimes it does seem like we "ruin" a few paintings in a row and that is a sign that you're about to take a leap!! How exciting!
Oh, Vicki and Rhonda, if ruining a few paintings in a row is a good sign, then my painting ability is about to make a quantum leap:-)
Christiane, I know it doesn't seem like it's the case, but I've been through it enough times to know it does mean a change is in the works! Can't wait to see what that means for you :)
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