Well, Wednesday I spent a few hours at the watercolor society meeting watching Marilyn Bishop give a demo on printmaking - very cool and she finished with 2 beautiful prints. She had good handouts and information for everyone. Since I'd done this before (twice with Marilyn at her house), I knew what to expect but I had forgotten some things so took a few notes. But, no longer being the recording secretary, I didn't have to take tons of notes or photos!! Just could enjoy and watch and come home and do other things.
Somehow I got a hairline crack in the back of my front tooth yesterday afternoon - don't know what I did to do that but suddenly felt the roughness of it. So dental appointment for me today and I really really really DO NOT LIKE going to the dentist if I have to have that novacaine shot - UGH! So it will be a stressful day for me unless I can be medicated enough not to care...
So this is life. Which means I haven't gotten the spanish moss worked up yet. I do have a step where I put down a layer of Naples Yellow over the moss, dabbing it up so it's lighter in places. I worked on the crow and a bit more on the headstone, too. This is as far as I've come so far.

Somehow I got a hairline crack in the back of my front tooth yesterday afternoon - don't know what I did to do that but suddenly felt the roughness of it. So dental appointment for me today and I really really really DO NOT LIKE going to the dentist if I have to have that novacaine shot - UGH! So it will be a stressful day for me unless I can be medicated enough not to care...
So this is life. Which means I haven't gotten the spanish moss worked up yet. I do have a step where I put down a layer of Naples Yellow over the moss, dabbing it up so it's lighter in places. I worked on the crow and a bit more on the headstone, too. This is as far as I've come so far.

Oh, and I watched Susie Short's DVD on waves = I highly recommend it. She makes it look so easy and step-by-step following along, I think anyone (even a beginner) could do this! So looking forward to some wave paintings to come...
And because of Chris Beck and her painting posse, and Jeanette Jobson with their paintings of Easter peeps, I had my sweetie go out and buy some - got yellow, pink and blue peeps around for inspiration (they could become paintings for Easter cards next year and should be as fun to paint as the little yellow rubber duckies). My sweetie says when I get them ready, I can give you all a....
wait for it....
Peep Show!
(Like this little Peep Show Wedding....)

Hi Rhonda, yuk dentist. Your crows are my flowers we just can't seem to get enough of them!
Tell Jerry he's a very funny guy! I'm afraid that the Novacaine may have already gone to your head - Peep Show Wedding!!! Oh my, I can barely wait for your Peep Paintings! Will they grow into another s-e-r-i-e-s???
Cathy, as I told the dentist when he was done, "That wasn't horrible." He said that was probably the best comment he'd get that day! ha ha I survived and the feeling finally came back to my mouth - which was sore - so 2 ibuprofen did the trick. Yes, crows and more crows and I keep hoping I'll hear them again...but haven't yet.
Deb, he is funny (one of the reasons he won me over was he made me laugh out loud). This was BEFORE the novacaine, Deb, so I can't use that as an excuse! Peep Show paintings - yep, maybe something in the future!
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