I liked the way Bowman's Framing did my painting, Am I Blue?, that I took another hydrangea and had him do this one, too. Same matting and framing. You can't see it but there is a violet coloring mixed in with the brushed metal frame that matches the violet in the painting exactly - too cool. This one is just for me to hang on my wall.
(Sorry about the reflection but you get the idea.) Had a heck of a time getting the blues and violets correct in this one - my camera doesn't know what to do with that much blue/blue-violet/violet color!
I love the look of your hydrangea painting! Wish I could see them in person. What's the size?
This is beautiful!
I think your hydrangea series is wonderful. Congrats on your show acceptance too!
Catching up on your blog. Love the framed paintings. I am especially enjoying your posts on your life drawing classes and the watercolor you did of the figure from the class.
Thanks, Pam! There is a very meditative feeling to them, I think :) Size of this one = 1/4 sheet so that's 11 x 15 painting with a 2 1/2 border and frame = total size 13 x 18 (about that).
Thanks so much, Christiane and Vicki!
Ann, glad you have time to play catch-up today :) I always appreciate your comments!
Looks wonderful, I'm glad you're keeping this one and hanging it on your home wall.
Thanks, Teresa. I have to take the other one in for the show tomorrow afternoon :( Wish I could keep it - maybe it won't sell!
Those will look great hanging together - unless "Am I Blue" sells! This will be my busy week - taking a little time to check internet before I begin going nuts! Will see you at the VP drop off tomorrow afternoon!
Beautiful Rhonda! I just love the colours!
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