Well, I have to admit I was suprised to get a phone call yesterday from Deb Ward, telling me I got in the juried Viewpoint show! I truly am amazed and pleased. Deb was practically giggling on the phone, she was so happy for me - what a wonderful woman she is!!
And now I'll have to get this thing matted and framed for delivery the first week of November.
Since it's one of my favorites I've done in the last couple of years, it will probably sell, too (since I also didn't put a very high price on it thinking it wouldn't get in anyway so what in the world to ask for it, don't know, whatever...that kind of thinking). I'll definitely let you know. The opening for the show is Friday, November 6th in Mt. Adams at the Cincinnati Art Club, and I guess I should go, yes? Only then do you get to see who won the big monetary awards. I don't expect to come home with any money but it would be fun to see who does and maybe shake their hands (some of that luck and skill might rub off on me! haha).
And I want to THANK YOU, blogger friends, for voting this one the winner to be submitted to the show - you obviously have good taste!
WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!! Keeping true to what you love makes a painting even more striking. BLUE!!! So so happy for you.
That's awesome! Congrats.
Rhonda...this is one of my very favorites of your paintings...it is extraordinary in color and composition! Congratulations on it's acceptance into the art show.
Congrats again -
See - I told you a long time ago to enter that into a show!
Now, I must make it very clear here - I personally have nothing to do with the juror's decision - and he sees no names to associate with the paintings during the jury process - so the paintings are judged solely on merit. Award winners will be judged after the show is hung - and I will not have any say in that either! (Even though I do have a few opinions about that!)
Thanks you, Sandy, Jody, Barb, and Deb. Deb, I know you had nothing to do with the judging and nothing to do with the money, but it was so fun getting this call from you and listening to how happy you were for me! I'll never forget it.
CONGRATS!!!! a beautiful painting.. love how deb wants to make sure we all know, that even tho she loves the painting and the artist.. but had nothing to do with the picking... that sounds like me. if some thing like that would happened.. there is no doubt in my mind... this painting did win on its own merit.. its awesome!!
Congratulations Rhonda! This is terrific news.
How wonderful- and what a beautiful painting. Love the colors in the washes. I was also thrilled to have one of my paintings selected for the Hawaii Watercolor Society juried exhibition from Oct 5 (today is my birthday!) through Oct. 30. Also didn't know how to price it - I loved it on my dining room wall but listed it for sale.
Also have a smaller work in the Windward Artist Guild open member show. I feel very encouraged and inspired by all of you out there. Keep on painting!.
See my Kukui Fire at colorsbyab.blogspot.com
yipee, you deserve it, no surprise at all it's a beautiful painting:)
Hey Rhonda!
Congratulations! Way to go!
Yeah! Keep it going! awards are right around the corner for you. Congratulations!!
Rhonda, congratulations! This is great! Why in the world would you not be one of the big award winners...this is a great painting. I am going to keep my fingers crossed! Either way, enjoy the show.
CONGRATULATIONS Rhonda! (I'm shouting that, by the way!) Can you go change the price and make it higher? lol. I love the blues in this one!!!
Oh Rhonda! Now, are you convinced you can enter ANY show? This painting is worthy of acceptance into shows, as are many of yours. You need to force yourself to do this more and more, it becomes a very rewarding thing to do!
I'm so proud of you!
Congrats, this is a easy shoe-in, to any artshow with taste:)
Good luck and enjoy the show.
So, so pleased for your Rhonda. Maybe now you'll have much more belief in your work as we all have in you and enter more open shows. I bet you now end up with one of the money awards because it is a stunning piece of work.
Thanks, Deb, Dawn, Joan, Paul and Susan! You all are so supportive! Honestly, I know getting into these shows, especially when there is just a single judge who doesn't work in your medium (he is an oil portrait painter), is just a big bit of luck. Although I have always liked this painting :) I'm trying not to make much of a big thing of it...one day up, next day down, next day, who knows? That's the way it goes. But I did promise myself that, if I got in this show, I'd try to enter another upcoming show so we'll see what happens.
I love this piece. The color is very soothing to me. And the composition really works. Congratulations. I will look forward to seeing pictures from the Opening.
congratulations on this excellent painting, Rhonda, I hope it wins something!
There are a few more comments that need to be approved - and will be - if Blogger gets over it's hiccups today. It won't let me approve them so I'll wait and see when they get it fixed. I guess everyone (or a lot of someones) is experiencing an error message when trying to approve/moderate comments.
Thanks, MB :) Your comment did get through, somehow...they are stacking up with blogger still giving me error messages!
I do so like blues and violets and they are soothing to me, too. Glad you like it! I know you're more of a warm palette girl.
Fantastic news Rhonda - my Congratulations too. Let this be a lesson never to undervalue your lovely work! (I've sold a few favourite paintings cheaply too - all the ones I'd rather not have, are still here LOL)
Congrats! I am not the least bit suprised. This is a beautiful and well done painting. I am very happy for you!
Thanks so much, Vicki and Cathy, for your comments on this one. I'm fairly new to this art stuff - been painting only 7 years total (6 of those with Sandy), and just don't feel my work should be priced too high...but not what "too low" is yet - guess you need to make a bit of change after matting and framing and entry costs but I didn't think I'd get in so wasn't thinking! ha ha Live and learn.
Hey, Nick, you sneaked a congrats in there when Blogger was doing its devil dance for me...didn't want to not thank you for your comments! As the saying goes...From your mouth to God's ear :) ha ha
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