I think I am going to like this class, struggle through this class, and enjoy and learn from the instructor, Charles Frymier.

Here's what I did in the first class. Time flew by as I was really into a zone with this one and, with the many pointers and helping words from CF, I think I accomplished something pretty good. I have to tell you, when I began it was like I didn't know what to do and I felt that rush of anxiety (this is too hard!) and had to slow down and take it bit by bit until it began to come together. It's been more than a year since I was working with a live model - maybe two years??
Our next assignment will be hard - very hard. CF said so and asked that we not hit him because he bruises easily! ha ha We will put the skeleton and musculature on vellum overlays to lay over this drawing and try to fit the pieces, learning where the leg bone is connected to the thigh bone...and so on. I think I need to buy a few more kneaded erasers!
Our next assignment will be hard - very hard. CF said so and asked that we not hit him because he bruises easily! ha ha We will put the skeleton and musculature on vellum overlays to lay over this drawing and try to fit the pieces, learning where the leg bone is connected to the thigh bone...and so on. I think I need to buy a few more kneaded erasers!
Now I have some homework to do for my photojournalling class...
Rhonda, this is quite good! Congratulations. Your use of shadowing is quite effective and you drawing is full of confidence. The left arm may have too much definition/shadowing, but I really know nothing about figure drawing.
Your next class will indeed be challenging. I hope that you will provide us with an update.
You're right about the left arm, Christiane. I was struggling with that and each time she came back to pose, she moved it just enough to have to begin again in places so that was the last thing I was working to get right before we ended. Good eyes! I've been looking at a couple of anatomy books I have, thinking about the skeleton parts and the muscles.
Exquisitely drawn! So glad you really like the class, too. Keep it up:-)
Thanks so much, Sandy! I appreciate your comment because I know you'd see if it was very much off :) Charles is a real sweet guy and knows how to give a good critique - pointing out what doesn't work and what does :) I intended to drive up to the Sharon Woods show today but it seems I am trying to come down with a cold so was not feeling like getting out and about and sharing it (if I'm catching). Jerry has dosed me with lots of good vitamins that might kick it before it kicks me.
Very nice! I will look forward to seeing more.
Wow, Rhonda...You hit the ground, running, with this one! It doesn't look like you have been away from life drawing at all, in fact your drawing shows you have this in your fund of skills already and will only get better. This is just so well done, I am proud of you and glad that you are enjoying the challenge.
Really nice Rhonda!!! Can't wait to see the really hard one coming up next class. You'll do great at it - look at how good you did this after being away so long.
Very good, I bet you'll notice improvement in your painting almost immediately.
This looks good Rhonda, the vellum exercise sounds like it will be a great learning experience.
Jane, Susan, Deb, Nick and Cathy: Thank you so much for your positive comments on this one, the first of many (I hope). I was looking at the first lesson for the other drawing class and you can't use smudges or shadowing but have to great volume and shape with lines - crosshatching, going over and over - that would be hard for me because I like to smudge those likes to get some shape.
Nick, I am hoping it does improve my painting skills! I have to make the leap from figure drawing to figure painting someday.
Stay tuned, dear friends, as I will share more - good or bad - as this class progresses.
This is quite a nice drawing from a life class.
Thanks, Bill. The instructor was pleased with this and was very complimentary - but I think he is just a very nice man :)
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