I thought this was finished but, due to the rainy weather, had not spray sealed now I see a scratch on her arm where the paint has been taken off. Will have to smush that and seal it the next time the sun shines. (One does have to protect a painting on yupo - any moisture or pressure can take the paint off.)
I'm going to give this to my sister. Maybe an early Christmas present...
Really lovely painting Rhonda - I like how the curve of her posture is echoed in the flowers. Your sister will be so thrilled.
Thanks, Cathy. My sister saw it and liked it so she knows what to expect. She lived with my grandmother from the time she was 13 to the time she graduated from college and got married.
The rich Rhonda BLUES add nicely to the personality of the painting, too. This was a tough challenge on YUPO, and you met it well!
What a beautiful present for your sister!
May I ask what you use to seal your Yupo? I finally went out and bought a large sheet of Yupo during the weekend....
Thanks, Sandy! I do love my blues - colors and songs :)
Christiane, I use a Krylon acrylic spray - matte not gloss since I like it to be more dulled. Spray it about 3 times, letting it dry in between each time, and it will be fine. I spray it lightly so the spray doesn't cause the paint to run, lay it flat and let it dry that way - take it outside, too - the smell is pretty strong.
What a special painting Rhonda. Has your sister seen it finished? I'm sure she's going to love it. The fact that you did this on yupo makes it all the more impressive.
Thanks, Deb. She didn't see it completely finished - it's raining today so I can't spray seal it after I fix that scratch (my sister is coming by tonight) - but it will get done sometime. Maybe it will be a birthday present for her (her birthday is early December).
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