Thursday, April 29, 2010


Deb Ward, Sharon Roeder (another local artist), and I all took a girl's trip down to Shaker Village in Kentucky. We left Tuesday morning, spent the whole day walking and talking and taking photos and stopping for meals and more talking, staying up late talking and watching the moon rise over the stone fences and white fences of Shaker Village from our "suite" above the Sister's Shop (that's where the ladies give weaving and spinning demonstrations during the day but we had the whole place to ourselves that night - which was a good thing because we laughed and talked a bit loudly at times). It was a great trip and I really enjoyed myself.

You've seen Shaker Village photos I've taken in the past, of course, but I'll have some new photos to share once I catch up, get them uploaded and sized for posting.

Glad to be home but Shaker Village is such a wonderful place to visit. There were so few people there that when you stood quietly and just listened, the only thing you heard was birdsong and the breeze blowing the tree leaves around. The first day was a bit rainy and damp and cool but the second day was warm, sunny, and we had to take more photos before heading home.

Thanks, Deb! Thanks, Sharon! For being such good traveling buddies and making me laugh so much I think I've dropped 3 years (since laughter is the best medicine, I've surely gotten younger since this get-away - at least, I'm telling my legs that it's true! ha ha)


Sandy Maudlin said...

What an adventure and I KNOW that you did add years to your life with all the laughter. Both Sharon and Deb are hilariously funny to travel with for sure! Looking forward to some more Shaker Village paintings now.

RH Carpenter said...

Hey, Sandy! Yep, I laughed so much, I had a tic in the side of my mouth when I went to bed = too much exercise there! ha ha