Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nuts - Next Stage

Using fluid acrylics in a limited set of colors, I prewet areas of the paper and put in the color from a very wet mix of colors on the palette. By the time I got to the right side of the paper I took a harsh spray bottle and sprayed the heck out the paper on the left and middle - causing some of the paint to come off and look batik. But the paint on the right side had just been applied - so it all came off - d'uh!!

What the heck, I can always just crop it - or go back in with the greens after I play with the reds next...


Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

Try the going in with the greens before you spray them off before you decide to scrap this one! I think I relaly like this effect so far, it bears further exploration of this technique. You can do this, Rhonda!

Sandy Maudlin said...

Oh YEAH! That strong dark vertical shape under the nut really strengthens the composition. Excellent choice. Looking forward to seeing it in real life in class:-D

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Susan and Sandy! I am more pleased with this outcome so far - will go in with the reds a bit here and there next and then touch up the greens on the edge and get rid of some glaring whites/pales, leaving the nuts until the last. A nice, rainy day to work today. (Sandy, see you in November!)

Dawn said...

I think this is going great Rhonda.

Ann Buckner said...

It is looking good to me Rhonda. You made some good color choices too. I'm enjoying watching the painting unfold.