Saturday, November 3, 2018


Just  playing with yellows and what works to shade them without getting too green or brown.

What do you use to shade yellow?


laura said...

Whew! I have never figured that one out! Sometimes I try a darker yellow, but that's not strong enough; blue turns to green; and purple turns to brown!
Hope you find the answer!

Barbra Joan said...

Well I usually use just a tiny touch of yellow.. too much and it gets very muddy brown or even gray.. But if I'm very careful and use a tiny bit compared to the quantity of yellow it does work for me.. I've done it painting sand .. not too bad.

Jennifer Rose said...

it depends on the medium. coloured pencils I tend to use some orange or light blues and maybe a bit of red. with watercolour, a bit of blue or purple. acrylics, maybe a bit of red. but really with any of them its not very much added since it tends to just end up muddy. yellow is an evil colour :p

RH Carpenter said...

Yellow seems to be a problem for many. Guess it will take some practice and trying out colors - raw sienna works but dulls the color. I guess that’s why I don’t paint with yellow often :). Thanks, Laura, Barbra Joan and Jennifer Rose :).

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

I painted daffodils for a couple of weeks every year for a few years running. A very frustrating exercise but I found the turquoisey end of the blues and cobalt violet worked the best for me. I don't have the colour (yet) but I think I have seen you use Daniel Smith moonglow (?) have you tried that one? Depending on the yellow pigment used sometimes it seemed to work best glazing the shadow on after. Difficult to do wet-in-wet. I didn't really find the perfect answer though. I may have to go back to this in a couple of months... Thank you for reminding me about the project.

RH Carpenter said...

I’m going to try the moon glow, Lisa, but it does have a couple of colors in it so...we’ll see. I don’t might the yellow going a bit green but don’t care when it becomes brown. I guess one could work with yellow for a long time to find the right combo to get shadows that are still clean. Probably hardest with watercolor.

Ginny Stiles said...

who makes moon glow? Is that a Daniel Smith color?
Does it have a texture?
I agree with Lisa that letting yellow dry and adding a second or third layer of slightly thicker yellow sometimes works.