Friday, April 15, 2011


We're half-way through national poetry month (

Here are some poets from Kentucky...

Robert Penn Warren

Born in Guthrie, Kentucky in 1905, Robert Penn Warren was the youngest member of the group of Southern poets called the Fugitives. He was named the first U.S. Poet Laureate in 1986.

Wendell Berry
The author of more than 30 books of poetry, essays, and novels, Wendell Berry has been the recipient of, among other awards, grants from the Guggenheim and Rockefeller foundations, and lives in Port Royal, Kentucky.

Other Kentucky Poets

Allen Tate
Mark Jarman
James Baker Hall
Maurice W. Manning
Davis McCombs
Jim Wayne Miller
Joy Bale Boone
James Still
Tony Crunk
Jesse Stuart
Jim Wayne Miller
Richard Taylor

And a poem for you today...
And it came to me all in a feeling how
everything fitted together, the place and
ourselves and the animals and the tools, and
how the sky held us. I saw how sweetly we
were enabled by the land and the animals
and our few simple tools.

– Wendell Berry, from A Place on Earth


Jan Yates, SCA, Canada said...

I love that poem and i thank you for posting as i'd never heard of Wendel Berry-nor was I aware it was poetry month! You always have such interesting posts--i also checked in to re-visit your bird painting--the 2 blackbirds overlapping each other but can not find it:((

RH Carpenter said...

Jan, Wendell Berry is a famous KY poet and author. There are so many regional poets, it's hard to keep track :) You're find the crows overlapping if you search (at the top of the blog) for A Difference of Opinion (the title).