It is a small, postcard-sized (4" x 6") watercolor painting on 140# coldpress paper - a painting of the northern lights.
You will get a surprise addition to your mailing but I won't tell you what it is - something arty :)
I hope you enjoy the painting and the surprise that will be included in your mailing.
I will mail the give-aways out this week once I have the winners' mailing addresses (I will contact you for that if I don't already have it).
NOTE: This week only, I will hold off approving posts until I get the requisite number to have a winner so don't worry if you don't see your post - I will be waiting to post them all at one time once I receive the numbered post I'm looking for each day. Good Luck! And once you have won, you are out of the running for future paintings this week - let's spread the fun around!
I love this painting and hope I win it.
I also wanted to say that I came here via Bill Jones blog. I loved your comment.
The Winner Is: Carol King!
Carol, aren't you glad you came over?? I had to think a minute about who is Bill Jones (I never think of his last name! ha ha)!
I will contact you and see if I can find a personal email to ask for your mailing info :) There will be this small painting and a little something extra in the mailing :) Congrats and I hope you enjoy as much in person.
This is great! I am off work until Jan 4th - this means that I will have time to post everyday and try my luck....
All my best to you Rhonda.
I know I am not the first poster,darn, but I want to tell you that it is a beautiful painting.
Beautiful explosion of color, Carol is a lucky girl!
Well, I already know that I didn't win but I still want to tell you that it is a neat painting. Great color choices!
YAY! I'm so excited, I'm going to email you right now! What a nice surprise. Thanks!
Sorry you all couldn't win this one - but keep trying since we're going to be doing this every day this week, running up to New Year's Eve day :) Good luck to everyone.
As usual, your generosity shines out. Well done Carol for being the winner of the first art gift from Rhonda.
Must mention Rhonda that I love what you did to 'power up' your yellow flower. Great advice Sandy but brave artist for putting into action!!!
Have a great New Year celebration.
Thanks so much, Joan. Sandy really showed me where just a little push-pull would get it closer to what I wanted it to be :) I'm glad it turned out a winner - being mostly a warm painting, it's not one of my favorites! - but it's not bad :)
RATS. I'm away from the computer for two days and miss a chance at your northern lights painting. Lucky Carol. Thinking about you a lot, Rhonda.
Hi, Sandy! Keep trying - I'll be posting one each day until the
31st, if all goes as planned (which means, I have 4 paintings ready but not the 5th! but I have an excuse with Mom being in the hospital and being there all day each day). I may be able to come up with a 5th tomorrow...I hope! ha ha
I received my painting (and other goodies) and wanted to let you know how much I LOVE it.
This was a real treat and so much fun. Thanks again!
YAY! Carol, I'm glad it reached you and that you like it and the other extra goodies enclosed :) Have a great 2010 and hope to see you back here sometime.
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