I had this yupo painting that I'd obviously washed off (stained here and there) to try again...so in class Thursday I thought I'd try again. I was in a "finish this" mood so didn't start anything new.

This is all watercolors on yupo. Daturas we saw in our only trip to New Orleans - or maybe it was from the trip to Vancouver Island and the Butchert Gardens? Anyway, from one of our photos. I still need to finish that bottom little one that got left out and it's done. Calling this one Fallen Angels (in case you go, ??? - because daturas are often called angel trumpets).
I love this. Great colors,texture,just beautiful
Very cool, Rhonda!! So much excitement in the color and the paint surface -- love it!!
We have a very similiar looking flower here - I think it's called a moonflower...? But whatever it is, your painting's beautiful, it has an underwater sort of feel - calm and swaying. Wish I could get hold of some yupo to try!
Thanks, Cathy (and happy vacation!). It is so easy to create texture on yupo :)
Thanks, Chris - loved your tree full of waxwings photo - perhaps a painting in the future? Misty and dreaming and...you get the idea :) Rubber Ducky says, "Quack Quack!"
The moonflower here is huge and white but the same shape and blooms only at night. Is it the same there, Cathy? Let's see if we can get you some yupo...I'll send your an email and we'll discuss it :)
Ain't Yupo loads of fun with the lack of ability to control the paint on one hand, and total forgivingness on the other? You've got some really cool textures here, and the color scheme is quite different. Love the title, by the way.
A very appealing piece.
I love Datura - first came across them in a botanical garden in the north of one of the Canary islands on a painting holiday. Love your YUPO rendition and the title.
Thanks so much, Nava, Bill, and Joan for stopping by and commenting. Glad you like this one. The trick to yupo is not to use so much water and you'll be fine. But you either hate it or love it - no in between feelings about painting on it.
Wow, that's a beautiful painting. Guess I'm going to have to leave my comfort zone and try Yupo.
It came out very nicely. I wish all redo's of mine were as successful as you have made this piece.
Rhonda that is just so sweet of you - thanks for the offer - if it's NO trouble! A little bit of yupo would be fantastic to try out :) :)
Yes, I may be thinking of the same moonflower as yours - big, white and with very pungent fragrance. There's something similiar that blooms in the day, but pink.
Rhonda, really like this painting!
Thanks so much for your kind comments, Brent, Ann, and Gary (thanks for stopping by and commenting, Gary!).
Cathy, your yupo is on it's way in a small rolled tube so it should be safe and sound when it arrives - of course, I have no idea when that will be - let's hope soon!
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