Friday, June 12, 2009


I received some goodies in the mail yesterday when I returned from watercolor class. I had ordered these from Dick Blick art supplies for future printmaking fun. The Reeves watercolors are the kind Sharon used during our printmaking workshop at Marilyn's last Friday and they worked well - couldn't find the Pentell brand other than order from a shop in Canada and the shipping was as much as the paint so going to try this first. This book (I have glanced through it) has everything from monoprints to carbarundum (not spelling that right but not walking downstairs to get the book right now) prints and more advanced things. Hoping to get a good baren and a larger, harder brayer next and see if I can get a good piece of plexi at a hardware store - they cut pieces but doubt that they sand the front and edges.

And in class yesterday I put a bit more paint on the gold gessoed watercolor paper (hotpress) and then soaked a piece of hotpress watercolor paper and put it on top of this one - and brayered the image off = not enough pressure so it was pretty smooshy looking (that's not a technical term but you know what I mean = faint with soft edges all around). So added a bit more watercolor to it to brighten it up. I like the blue cow but not the brown one - maybe I should have made it more orange and red?

Since the one on gold gesso (which you've seen before) was called Once in a Blue Moo, I guess the print is called Twice in a Blue Moo? ha ha

I worked on a yupo painting in class, too. Will share that later. For now, rest time is up and time to get back to waxing the floors!


Candy said...

I like your cows. I'll have to show them to my husband. He and I both really liked your frisson of flamingos, so now you know that you have a new fan in the Manuel household.

Teresa Palomar Lois said...

Ah! you're back to cows! gotta love the title lol, looks like you're having so much fun with these and now that you have new goodies to play it comes you're waxing floors?!?!?

RH Carpenter said...

Candy, I do like cows - there is just something appealing about them and I love to see them painted in various colors or even very realistically. Thanks so much for being fans!!
Teresa, you know I love cows. The waxing the floors had to happen because Jerry is having his photo group over for their monthly meeting at our house - things just sneaked up on me this time so was rushing around trying to get the place ship shape!

soulbrush said...

you are sooo artistic, i bow to you.