I finally got around to finishing the front door. Had ideas, you see, and just couldn't get up and bring them to fruition. Now that I have, and from a suggestion from my dear friend Susan in Vancouver Island, Jerry wants me to paint a sunflower on the panels. Oh, and the sunflower goes from the top yellow panel to the bottom so at the bottom is the stem with, oh, yeah, how about a frog on it?? We're not getting too carried away here, are we?

Sorry for the warped view - it's obviously from above and inside the house and I can't get a good spot from which to take a photo inside to show the bottom of the door and all 4 panels.
So, if this was your door, would you paint on those panels?
Should I?
Here's the template that I can use for each panel - one facing to the right and one facing to the left (using the back side)...

Don't look for the frog - it isn't there yet and may not be - a little frog on a stem may be beyond me. Afterall, this has to be in acrylic and I don't paint in acrylic, just watercolor...and I have to paint this upright so I can't paint very wet and juicy unless I'm prepared for runs...and I can hear myself trying to talk myself out of this!
Oh what a fantastic idea and sunflowers too. Don't talk yourself out of it will you?? If you can paint in watercolours - and my golly we all know you can - then acrylic's a doddle for you. So easy to correct, adjust and simply have fun, using thin washes or thick or both. Can't wait to see how it goes.
Love the datura and have no problem with the lowest bloom - but if you really don't like it you could simply make it bigger and take it off the page altogether!!!???
I was also lucky to recieve a wonderful cactus gift from Margaret some time back , so I truly know how delighted you are. Her work is exquisite.
Well, Joan, if you say so! ha ha I imagine I can do it...just need the courage and energy to start and do it but we're due for days of rain right now so it will have to wait a while. If I do get the courage and energy, I'll share it when done. (Good idea about the datura if I decide to do anything about it besides stick it in my portfolio with the rest of the paintings I have there.)
Margaret does such glorious art cards and must trade them all over the world :) I wonder how many people have one of her works?
How fun! I absolutely think you should do it! It won't be like painting on paper - if you don't like something, you can just paint over it. Can't wait to see how it turns out! =)
Just a little thank you on my blog!!
xo Laura
Go for it!!! What's the worst that can happen - you can always paint over it.
Do it! and you already have a template, it would be such a waste not to try, right? if you don't like it you can always go back to the current color.
Do it. Do it. Do it - sunflower and frog. Unless you guys need it (like we do here in the desert), I hope it doesn't rain because I can't wait to see the finished door.
Well, it seems unanimous: Just do it!! Thanks, Joan, Deb, Laura, Teresa, Angela and Candy, for your posts on this. I sure was hoping you'd say, "Nah, that's silly. Don't do that!" But you fooled me - so now I have to step up and do it...but not today or tomorrow (babysitting) so...Friday?? And finish it in one day without any more whining, I promise.
It will be spectacular! Can't wait to see the finished product! :)
Ah, another yes vote! Thanks, Margaret Ann :)
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