Well, this still didn't become what I thought it should become. Are paintings like children? You have certain expectations of them and they do their own thing, no matter what you do? ha ha That's what this one did. However, I've painted on both sides of this lovely piece of Twinrocker so no other side left unless I can break the laws of physics! I think I may have to put in some whites and call this one watermedia - it's missing some spots of white to bring it to life, I think.

Click for larger image.
And did a bit more drybrushing on this one - but the class decided I actually have two separate paintings here. Since that would mean one of them is done, I may go with that - but I'm going to work a bit more on it first.
And just a few minor touches needed to complete the hydrangea (Am I Blue?) - nothing drastic. I'll show it again when it's done.
Oh please don't touch any of them including the wonderful hydrangea. THEY ARE FINISHED and great - stop fiddling! Well, you wanted our opinion!!
I get the 2 separate paintings - but what about bringing some of the gray/blue value from the right over to the lower left to unify things? Try that with the acetate over it. Am looking forward to the finished hydrangea!
Rhonda, I especially like the second painting with the drybrushing. Perhaps the consensus was to crop but I like it the way it is. Maybe a diagonal or something to draw the eye from the vase into the light area. But for me it works the way it is.
Joan, you remind me of me when I post to a friend's blog - sometimes I want to take the brush out of her hand but I can't do it via internet! ha ha I just have one thing to do to the hydrangea (forgot to separate 2 petals so the line is there in graphite but no shadow yet - nothing major, I promise!).
I'm trying to bring that cerulean into the glass of the lamp but it's not showing much - maybe a touch in the lower left would work, Deb :)
Thanks, Ann! I don't want to have 2 separate paintings if I can make one out of it :) I already cut up a bunch of "failed" paintings into ACEOs :) and that was from really giving up on most of it but having some good bits = perfect for those little art cards! ha ha
Now that the Pitcher Plants are done I just love them! They look like something from an enchanted wood!
I can see how the lower pic could be made into two paintings - you could crop it on the computer and see what you think.
Thanks, Angela. I'm thinking it needs whites but maybe I should just leave it alone...
Hi Rhonda,
I love both! I think that even though the lantern one could look like two paintings, I think you should finish it. I think it's going to be awesome as one painting. And I love the twinrocker painting too~!
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