In class Tuesday, Sandy demoed how to blow bubbles of a mix of water, fluid acrylic paint and Dawn dishwashing liquid (I didn't ask if it had to be Dawn or not). Taking a large straw, you blow into the mix, creating bubbles coming to the surface. Then you take your watercolor paper and touch it onto the bubbles, transferring them to the paper. Easy! And fun :) Have no idea what I will do with these, though - I don't "see" anything there but I guess I'll look at some photos to get some ideas. Something under the sea? Perhaps some grapes hanging on the vine? Maybe a Labradoodle?

Check out Sandy's painting using this technique here:
I love the idea of a labradoodle!
What a fun sounding technique - I'll have to try it!
Well, I clearly see a blue dinosaur dancing or wearing a a)surfboard b)red towel, though the one with the yellow bubbles is more difficult...
Are those full sheets Rhonda? this sounds like fun
I really am going to have to try this experiment. The second one looks like the beginning of a butterfly. I love your willingness to try new things.
Well, you all see much more than I do in these bubbles! ha ha The size is just 1/4 sheet but you could do a full sheet or 1/2 - whatever you wanted, you'd just have to blow more bubbles.
Rhonda, I can plainly see the back of a nude leaning to the left in the center of the blue one (bottom.) Can you see it?
Oh, you were right, Barb! I could see that. But before I checked, I took it to class and made grapes and vines out of it - oh, well, there's always next time!
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