Should the white center (at the top of the little bud there) stay pure white or should I give it a touch of yellow? It definitely takes your eye right there but does it make it stay there and not move around the petals? Guess I'll take it to class tomorrow and ask them, too. Opinions appreciated!
I've begun another one in warmer colors to use for the color group - setting a mood in cools and warms :)
I sure do love cool colors - I can tell by how much time I take with them, how I watch them spread and blend - with the warms, I just slap them on and move along! ha ha
I think it looks great Rhonda. Nice job!
use a photoshop program and yellow the spot on your pc.
Hi Rhonda I think the white in the center draws your eye in and then... you enjoy the the rest of this beautiful painting.Great job
Oh Rhonda - this flower is absolutely gorgeous - you better be proud of yourself. And in answer to your question - I think the white is fine. BRAVO!
Love how you have worked on this hydrangea petal. Colours and shapes are so true. Only thought about the yellow is that it will zing off the page being the opposite of your bluey purples, but do you really want that???
This has turned out beautifully! I especially love the 'whiskers' on the petals!
(I think the white is fine, but I particularly like yellow with purple and blue so I vote yellow)
Thanks, Dawn, Cathy, Deb, Joan and Angela :) It was decided in class today to leave the white alone (what is it with me and whites? ha ha) and let it draw the eye. Of course, it was also the consensus that it looked better on it's side - I'll post it that way and let you see - it's cool but there is something about it that bothers me (maybe just being firstborn and wanting things "right side up."
I can't answer your question, but either way, I'd have to spatter a bit of white around the painting, to me that would be essential for this picture. (I know you'll respond! heheh)
Oooh! Lots of nice things going on with the granulating pigments! This is great! Paint what you love is my mantra!!
Beautiful blues!
Nick, eeeek!!! Spatter white around? Really? Okay, I know you'd do it but I'm not being that brave with this one - maybe the next one - and I'll call it Nick's Blues :) hee hee
Thanks so much for the comments, Chris (yes, paint what you love and it shows!) and Bill (or is it Lisa??).
I have just found your blog. I don't know why I haven't found it before.
At the risk of sound OTT - this is seriously stunning. I truly thought it was a photograph! I say leave it as is. My eye certainly didn't get stuck (but my jaw did a little while browsing your blog!)
You have such talent.
Thank you so much, Sarah! I just visited your blog and you have a lot of talent, too, and I really enjoy your beading - so colorful and so very pretty! I loved your birthday card for your gran, too, as well as other watercolor excursions. I'll check back later and catch up on some older posts...
Oh I really thought it was a picture first.... stunning!
Thanks so much, Marianne. I'm glad you like it.
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