After I was happy with this, I traced it onto hotpress paper and then misketed out the whites - all the whites in large spaces - maybe I should have done the whole gum nuts? (We misketed the whole umbrellas in the first painting done in class - maybe there's a reason to keep all that area white?). I'll have to think about that. I forgot to misket around the tape, too - apparently, this is to seal the tape so no paint leaks out around the clean edges you are making. I'll have to go back and do that before I mix up any paint...what colors to choose for this? Hmmm...
I can think about colors for this at the same time I make up some swatches of pure colors (warm vs cool) for my next Carol Carter-style painting, too. My main problem will be cutting my palette down to just a dozen or so colors!
From one of your Value Fairies, I have to say that this improved a great deal. Look at how those seed pods pop now, just on the value study! It is always amazing to me what a difference a few well-placed darks will make in a painting. I'm looking forward to seeing this painting progress.
VF Susan
To miskit, think background vs foreground or focal area vs supporting shapes. I'd miskit the whole gum ball shape since it's a different color. See ya in the morn.
Thanks, VF Susan - and Sandy! I was hoping you would clear this up before I put paint to paper and you did. So tomorrow I'll be misketing a bit more of this before I start on it. I wondered how much to misket since we did the whole umbrellas on the first one, not just the whites and lights on the umbrellas. Thanks for popping in!
The values are so much better Rhonda. This should be a super painting. I hope you put some lovely highlights next to those darker shapes
I like your values now, Rhonda. Much beter than all the midtones of the original photo. I'll be watching htis as you go - very interesting!
Sandy said today to think background (supporting role) and foreground (the stars) so I misketed the reds and the violets (the whole gum nuts and the red stems throughout). Didn't put any paint on it - busy with the umbrella one (but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see it after I get a photo and get that uploaded :)
You should be so proud of yourself, Rhonda — taking the time to make such a complete and beautiful drawing. What a gift be working with Sandy and to have your stick-to-it-iveness. It's just marvelous to see how you're developing.
Thanks, Suzanne! Good to see you hear and read your comment. I'm working at it every day - well almost every day.
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