Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Things to Do Today Don't Include Painting

Well, my sweetie returns tonight from a short trip to the Bahamas for research. And this place has gone to the cats (well, just one big fat black+white cat) since he's been gone. So cleaning is a priority and grocery shopping and not just painting or drawing or watching the Olympics.

Have to share these photos that were taken at the Carol Carter workshop of the group so you can see our happy faces and how we were turned into Carolettes :) These are from Carol's blog and I think Sandy's hubby, Bob, took the last one and the one on the deck (after a lunch together) was taken by the waitress - there were a lot of cameras being passed around.

Carol and the Carolettes - just a few of us around Carol, with a fan in front of our faces (a marketing tool she used with her webside URL on the back and her face in front).

As workshop participants, we got some goodies on the last day, including a "bad girl" tattoo, a lovely pin of one of Carol's swimmers (I put mine on my camera bag so I'll always see it), a catalog of her work for a show she did, and the fans.


Nava said...

So - - - that man participant is now a Carolee, I presume? :-)

Looks like you really REALLY had fun in that workshop!

RH Carpenter said...

LOL! Nava, that is Sandy's "baby" brother and yes, he is now a Carolette. We don't care about the gender, we're all painters here! It was fun and eating together on a deck of the restaurant watching the lake was very nice, too, and sharing stories.
Carol even asked us to "share one thing no one else here knows about you" and we did! But like Vegas, what happens in the workshop, stays in the workshop :)

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

What fun this group looks to be! I wish I could attend some of these with you, that would be such a kick! I love the work you did here...Susan