Tuesday, February 1, 2011


How it feels when you're feeling down...

Other than the fact that I made her waist too thin, I'm pleased with this one.

Fabriano Artistico 140# watercolor paper, 15" x 22"


irinapictures said...

Bravo, Rhonda.
I hope the painting does not express your feelings.

Teresa Palomar Lois said...

I don't know Rhonda, that waist doesn't bother me at all, this one hits me more on the mood area, there's no need of "anatomically correct" in that place of sensations, in fact I think if anything it adds to the feeling.

Unknown said...

Rhonda, do you go to a figure class to do these?

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Irina. It did feel that way at the time - perhaps why I put the "rain streaks" in?

Tere, thanks. I think it did capture a mood - which is what I was going for :)

Linda, I used to go to an open drawing class, then I took 2 classes taught by local artists, but now I'm just using a cd I purchased of models. I'll get the name of it if you're interested - you can open the cd and print out the photos you want, even move the models around a bit on that round pedestal.

Leslie Lambert Redhead said...

This is great! I love the colors and the "rain streaks".

jgr said...

You totally captured the mood, I love it! Also I would be interested to have more info about the CD of models, that is a great idea.

Barb Sailor said...

This is a lovely painting - you expressed so much feeling with a minimum of paint - beautiful brushwork, Rhonda!

Carol Blackburn said...

OK, this might sound a bit weird but I like how you shaped her back like a heart, perhaps she is depressed because of a broken heart. Many emotions here.

Gretchen Bjornson ART said...

Definitely evokes a mood. Wonderful piece Rhonda. Isn't that what we all want for our paintings is to evoke some sort of emotion....you've done it!

Unknown said...

Very emotional piece. Looks great

Jane said...

Very original, sunbathing under the rain,..or did i get it all wrong?? There is a sensation of loneliness and abandon. Well done Rhonda.

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

I didn't think you could have a waist that was too thin! This is a great mood you created with this one. I think your CD has helped you depict the anatomy better, love the rounded gluteals.

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks so much for all the positive comments on this one, Leslie, Jane, Barb, Gretchen and Tim!

Carol, I didn't "see" that the back was heart-shaped but that is cool, too - unconscious shaping?

Thanks, Jane and Susan (Susan the cd-rom is very cool in that you can turn the model around on that pedestal - can't reposition anything but can move the body to get another view).

I'm glad that everyone "felt" this one.