Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Tried to do a portrait of my sister and asked her what she’d want me to change if I did another one - she said the collar because she never wears tee-shirt collars, always open collars so…after putting whit gesso on the shirt area and then putting in color and then wiping it off and then deciding to go with black for a textured look over the gesso…I finished with black Posca pen (acrylic) around the neck and I think it’s done.  


Lisa Le Quelenec said...

I love the changes - the deep v leads the eye up to her smile and then around the left side of her face to keep moving around the painting. The straightness of the line and the curve of her cheek make a great composition. What a happy painting, full of warmth.

laura said...

Agree with Lisa. A lovely portrait, and the changes really work!

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Lisa, for that wonderful critique of the painting!
Thanks, Laura, I am glad the changes didn’t mean a total do-over! Ha ha