Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Sweetie has been ill for over a week now.  Started as a dry cough he couldn’t get rid of.  Then turned to cold symptoms but no fever or achy feeling.  Then total laryngitis - it was very quiet around here for a while.  Went to the doctor, got meds (antibiotics even though it’s probably a virus to keep him from getting bronchitis), taking them.  Then he got pink eye!  Doctor sent him eye drops to put in every 4 hours and, apparently, pink eye is very contagious so…separate hand towels, washing pillowcases, trying not to share kitchen things, etc.  And me sleeping in another bed.  

I think I am more tired than he is but I hope this ends soon.  He’s had to cancel everything the whole week and stay home and looks like he’ll need to cancel his Tuesday again…we’ll see about midweek and how things are going.  

So I am trying to keep my mind busy with little art projects…

And wanted to try a portrait of my sister…but there is inner pressure to not mess it up so tighter painting than I’d like…will keep trying.


Debbie Nolan said...

Rhonda sorry to read about hubby. Yes it seems like we have strange things that make us ill even in the warm weather. Your paintings are absolutely gorgeous. The white flower against that dark background makes it so eye catching. Hope you keep well and that things look up in the next day or so. Hugs!

RH Carpenter said...

Thanks, Debbie, wishing you a good late spring,early summer!

laura said...

Sorry your sweetie is not well. He, and you, really are being tested by one thing after another! Hope all is back to normal and healthy soon! And in the meantime ... These paintings are beautiful!!!

RH Carpenter said...

And I wanted to go to the huge art fair this weekend = Summerfair with artists from all over the US - but could not. And Monday was our anniversary and he completely forgot.

Lisa Le Quelenec said...

Poor Sweetie and poor you...always hard watching our loved ones go through it. I hope things get better for you both soon. In the meantime there is some lovely painting going on there. The leaves are gorgeous!